
no backs

    Three days left of this vacation. Today was eventful already: I spent the morning at the tattoo place (after standing in the rain waiting for them to open). I now have four more nice, shiny, new tattoos. They look fantastic and I'm already making plans for the next ones—I want four more in vaguely symmetrical locations. OK, the one bad part? My skin feels like it's been rubbed the wrong way with a steel brush. For hours. I didn't cry, but I sure as hell wanted to. There are photographs, but I was way too open about it all last time. This time around, the first viewing should be face-to-face (er whatever). Those few of you without -to-face options are welcome to leave a comment, send an email, or contact me in whatever other way, to make arrangements for a viewing, if you are suitably inspired.        
    Tomorrow is my brother's girlfriend's daughter's HS graduation party. On any other planet, they'd have gotten married at some point in the past 15 years or so and she'd just be my niece, but the terminology doesn't really matter. She's the bee's knees and I'm very happy for her. College is just under two hours away and takes her into closer proximity to my niece—and further away from her extremely over-protective and excessively generous grandparents. It will be good for the child to be on her own; I'm looking forward to tomorrow's send-off.
    I'll likely take a moment during the day to raise a glass in honor and memory of what was and what might have been. Tomorrow would have been my eighteenth wedding anniversary.
    Monday it'll be breakfast out with the 'rents before packing up the car (I haven't acquired all that much random stuff to take back this time, unlike some trips where the trunk is absolutely stuffed with God knows what). Before I actually leave town, I'll stop at the university to pick up a CD of photos (college BFF was kind enough to take pictures during the tattoo experience, and also to pat my head when it looked like I was going to pass out), and also get some donuts from the local place. (Seriously, the best donuts on the planet.) I was [firmly] requested to bring some back with me. After that, it's on the road. Four hours with four open wounds might prove something of a challenge. Guess I'll find out.
    Once back, it's mail/groceries/laundry, and back to work on Tuesday. Wonder if I can show up on time? Meh; no worries. For now, I've got my feet up, and I'm reading another new book. Vacation = a good thing.


  1. Yah me too. Beast three. Sparky, not if you paid him. ;-)

  2. Visuals provided. :)

    Reminder: any comments with PORN LINKS ATTACHED will NOT be posted, so DO NOT BOTHER making them. I will continue to reject them. GRRR, idiot!
