
hometown in pix, day 6

The River from my hometown. This is the best view of The Beach (the less colorful side of The Island--for more color, read about the boathouse community).
river 1The view toward the east, which is actually south. Or south, which is actually east. What I mean is that the River flows West to East here.
river 2Looking vaguely west, which is sort of north...ish. That's the Interstate Bridge.
river 3Detail of the [obviously deceased] railroad bridge. No, I don't know how the graffiti got there. No, I don't like to think too much about it.
river 4Another view of The Beach; expand and look through for a view of the High Wagon Bridge, the subject of my first serious college history paper.
river 5Smooth ripples on the surface of the River. This is why I am drawn to this place, why it makes for good problem-solving: mutability.
river 6A tiny little boat on a very big river.
river 7Later that same day, I visited friends for dinner and cat-play. Their ancient part-Siamese fought her basic nature and posed for pictures. She rather resembles a bowling ball with legs. She is also somewhat cross-eyed. I love her to pieces.
cora 1Closeup of the one I call Corabelle.
cora 2

1 comment:

  1. "Survival but continued fighting in the heart and soul; writing is sitting the trial itself."--comment (with porn link attached) left by Jiang Ting
