
teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made / for kissing, lady, not for such contempt

  • Are you good at doing other people's hair? nope, nor do I have an interest in it
  • Do you ever hold your phone up in the air to get service? not that I know of?
  • Are your lips currently chapped? lick 'em and find out--I dare you
  • Do you text fast? yes, and with a new inaccuracy of which I am not fond
  • Have you ever lost a best friend, and then got them back? once or twice at a particularly large Barnes & Noble, maybe
  • Do you sometimes feel awkward around people you don't know so well? of course
  • What'd you do today? sleep, work, read
  • What'd you do last night? read, l-o-n-g shower, sleep
  • What are you doing tomorrow? sleep, work, buy milk, read
  • Do you bite your nails? no
  • What's the last smiley faced you used? probably :P (I've been feeling a little tongue-stuck-out-ey lately)
  • What's the last place on your body that you itched? left elbow, where there's quite a large bug bite on top of The World's Worst Sunburn
  • Do you get dry skin? only if I mistreat it, which I do not
  • Do you often feel alone? not nearly often enough
  • Do you only charge your phone when needed? of course? Why else would I charge it? There must be some inflection there that I'm not getting....
  • How many rings do you wear, if any? I very rarely wear rings, but when I do it's usually just one on my left thumb
  • Meet anyone new today? not formally
  • What's the last picture message you received on your phone? you really, really do not want to know
  • Do you enjoy the "family friendly" environment? not especially
  • How do you feel about not having any "smut" related questions on here? as much as I love smut, I don't feel the need to roll in it nonstop, thanks
  • Is there anything in particular you'd like the readers to know about you? if there is anything that I haven't covered somewhere on the blog already, we'll probably get to it eventually. If, however, you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment or to contact me through the usual channels.
  • Is there anything you regret? um, yeah.
  • Do you like roller coasters? I find them fascinating from a physics standpoint
  • How do you feel about abortion? I probably couldn't do it, but I defend your right to make your own decisions about your own body.
  • What are your thoughts on "butter and goblin jumper cables"? "sounds like utter gibberish" and "The Cat Googled this and found that it actually had some meaning but I'm too damned lazy to follow suit. If I ever need to know, I will ask her."
  • Do you snore? I breathe.
  • If you could re-live one moment in your life, what would it be? To enjoy again? One of those good nights in the basement on Huff Street. I have the feeling that there was prehaps much more there than we knew.
    And to do over, differently? I would take that clerk job when I was a 3L. Maybe then I'd have been worthy of a kiss in a diner....
  • Do you enjoy bowling? not really. I'd sure love to go to Canada to see if it's different up north, though.
  • Do you like to golf? haven't been in forever; I'd rather watch than play
  • Hot or cold when it comes to the weather? I prefer cool, because I'm always, always, always warm
  • What is your favorite time of year? autumn
  • What do you like best about camping? not doing it. There's absolutely zero about camping that appeals to me--except for s'mores, and that's just an inside joke anyway.
  • If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? probably my IQ
  • Have you ever been in love? yup
  • What color are your eyes? blue
  • What is the last thing you did last night? took a long, VERY cold shower to try and pre-cool my skin enough to sleep
  • What is the first thing you did this morning? ate breakfast
  • Would you ever relocate for a job or family? have done. Would I again? That would have to be one HELL of a job or family.
  • Do you like candles? I like fire.
  • Are you close with your family? 250 miles or so
  • Do you like going to parks? yes {snicker}
  • What kind of shampoo do you use? Redken
  • What kind of cologne do you use, if any? Armani Code
  • How long have you been at your job? way, way, way tooooooo long
  • Would you ever want to have kids? ever?
  • What do your parents think of your musical tastes? they accept, sometimes admire, and sometimes embrace it
  • How much do you care what they think of your music? I'm glad that they're open to it, I suppose, since we've always been a sort of music-friendly household
  • Do you go to church with your family or friends? have done
  • When you go to church, do you go to the early A.M. service? not if I can help it
  • What do you like most about going to church? music
  • What do you hate most about going to church, if anything? I prefer not to think of it in terms of "hate", but, the proselytizing. If I'm there, that ought to be good enough; it's the literal preaching to the choir that turns me off.
  • Is there anything you couldn't forgive someone for? yes
  • What would be an ideal first date? "drinks and banter"
    (There are some things, some words and phrases, that will forever be locked in my memory. I'm both glad and sorry to say that this is one of them, considering.)
  • What was the last thing you thought about before going to sleep last night? "skin so. very. hot."
  • What color are the sheets on your bed? Dutch blue
  • What size bed do you have? Queen
  • What super power would you like? clarity
[from The Cat, of course, who got it here. I excised a few of the questions that seem to show up on every quiz ad nauseum. And that's Shakespeare in the title, King Richard III, Act I, Scene II.]

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