
hometown in pix, day 5

On the afternoon of the fifth day, I was reading in the living room when my dad glanced out the window. "Grab your camera." I don't ask questions when I hear that. This is what I found.
fawn 1She was pretty mellow about my presence, pausing to look at me but not giving the slightest indication that she wasn't happy.
fawn 2She'd munched pretty much all the good stuff out of the planter on the back side-hill before heading off toward the neighbor's. She was kind enough to give one last good look.
fawn 3It was at her departure that we noticed her odd gait. She had probably broken her, uh, rear passenger side (?) leg and healed it badly. She was limping but moving pretty quickly, so it seems she's adapted.
fawn 4Later that night, I met up with a friend I've known since age 9. Though we'd planned to have dinner, it morphed into a few (or maybe a dozen?) drinks and a massive plate of nachos. Crazy awesome nachos!
los nachos del cielo![I took no photos on day 4.]

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