
hometown in pix, day 3

The River, north of home by about 20 miles.
RiverThe view north from the same spot. It was raining hard and the weather made the view even more spectacular.
northishIt was also pretty windy (and the valley is more pronounced there) so there were mild whitecaps on the River.
whitecapsNot quite an island but more than a sand bar. (Those shadowy bluffs in the background are The Cheese State.)
down along...Definitely an island. It makes me long for summer weekends with nothing better to do but go out on a boat and waste half a day....
not so tropicalThis is another of my parents' cats, the most shy one. She was not at all happy with me taking pictures during dinner time.
not meek, just carefulEventually even she could not resist the allure of chicken scraps--particularly since she recently had a litter and needs to rebuild her strength. Mama Gray is probably a pretty big cat when she's at fightin' weight.
big paws[I took no photos on day 2.]


  1. I am enjoying this visual story. Lucky you, the Mississippi. A great river! -- Molly

  2. A comment from Jiang Ting, with porn link attached--"Must maintain this level of Yo, refueling!!! Look forward to your new article published!"
