
hometown in pix, day 1

    I haven't posted many photos lately. I'll relay my vacation exploits (the ones that are appropriate for this venue, anyway) a day at a time.
    Day 1 (first full day): it rained. There was a very, very bright rainbow. At the end was the malt manufacturer.
pot o goldThere were actually two, or maybe three (look to the left of the dimmer [outer] one, maybe half again as far out as the second is from the first) rainbows.
really twoMy parents have cats. Stray, feral, snotty, and big eaters. This one they call "Big Orange." Have I mentioned that my parents have gone a little bonkers through boredom from early retirement?
BO1Big Orange is less annoyed by photography than are the other six.
BO2Yeah, that's right, my parents feed seven stray cats. What of it?

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