

  • Very proud to report that I am an honorary "Goddamn bat person."
  • The largest of my new tattoos itches like a MoFu. Woke up twice last night, intensely aware of it. Oh, is that the healing process? I don't like it. Stop.
    The littler ones (which are all roughly the same size) haven't begun to peel yet, much less to heal. This is going to be interesting.
  • Tornado Watch tonight. Three+ hours of me staring worriedly at the sky. In the end, it was absolutely nothing.
  • I think I've finally fully recovered from last Thursday. A couple of the guys from work came over for, er, 'drinks and banter.' More drinks than banter, really. We polished off a fifth of Jack (sorry, Herkimer) that barely had a dent in it, a fifth of Cruzan rum (and put a serious dent in the next one), and fully half a gallon jug of Rossi sangria. Plus accompanying pizza (Canadian bacon, fresh tomato & onion) and fruit (ostensibly for the sangria, but it was a free-for-all). Quite a night. My mouse is only now rolling properly again, and the straws that were stuck to various spots on the carpet have been pried up and discarded. Most of the evening was a lot of fun, particularly the wearing of a chicken hat and some discussion of the freakishly mesmerizing cross-eyed girl. In retrospect (as is often the case with drunken evenings), there was a less-fun shadow cast. But we can't win 'em all, can we?
  • a deer! a female deer!There have been some communiques from mixed-messages land, a.k.a. Texas. I really do not understand what's going on there. I do know that if I was getting half those messages from 60 miles from here, I'd be taking them a hell of a lot more seriously...and that's a hint as to how seriously I'm [not] taking them.
  • The good news: I've found an unbelievably good song ("Take Me Back In Time") by a very cool band (Idlewild), and I'm dying to buy it. The bad news: it's a Scottish band, the CD (Post Electric Blues) hasn't been released in the US yet, it's not available on iTunes (or any other electronic source), and the import version is something like $37.98 from Amazon. All that, for ONE song?! I'm a little wacko about money sometimes, but that's just out of control. Grrr!
  • I leave you with a photo from my parents' sunroom. D'oh!

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