
in Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number

March 12: relict
I wonder if many of the familial relicts will show up for my brother's wedding in July, or if it will be a more close-knit affair.

  1. July 20th marks the anniversary of the first time man stood on the moon. Flash forward 42 years to July 8, 2011 which marked the start of the final Space Shuttle mission. Should we continue to explore space? Should nations devote more or fewer of their resources to exploring space? Would you want to go into space if the opportunity arose?
    I've long thought that the space program was a colossal waste of money and resources. However, I recently talked with someone with far greater knowledge on the subject than I'd had, and I've come to realize that several scientific advancements became realities thanks completely to NASA's research and testing programs. It's led me to think that perhaps some - although probably not all - of those trips were truly necessary. Therefore, should we continue? Probably, yes. 

    Should nations devote more or fewer resources to exploring space? Fewer - as in, zero. WE. ARE. ALONE.

    Would I want to go into space, if the opportunity arose? Not on your life. For me, travel that I do not control is not a great joy, but rather a means to an end. Unless I am particularly motivated in the destination, I do not relish it. In this case, I would not even put up with it.
  2. What are three things in your freezer?
    Limoncello, extraordinarily fresh ground beef, and tiny apple pies.
  3. If you could see any band/artist perform live tonight who would it be? It has to be someone living--no Beatles, Elvis, etc.
    Alkaline Trio. I would absolutely love to see them live, tonight or any night.
  4. Ice: cubed or crushed? Or are you one of those people who don't like ice?
  5. The owner of a small restaurant outside of Pittsburgh recently announced he was banning children under six, saying they regularly disrupted other customer's meals. You can read the story here in more detail but isn't this a perfect topic to discuss in our Wednesday Hodgepodge? Have at it, friends; what are your thoughts?
    I think that's a fine policy. Those who wish to dine undisturbed by small children may do so. Those who wish to dine undisturbed by the parents of small children (and yes, you know in what ways they are disturbing - don't pretend I'm the only one who feels this way) may do so. Those who wish to dine undisturbed by those disturbed by this policy may do so. And those who are disturbed by this policy can take their business elsewhere, supporting a business that supports them and their family-style. It works out perfectly for everyone involved. The moral of the story (in my opinion only!): there are places in which small children do not belong.
  6. What was your first car? How did it come to be yours?
    Helga, the Horizon from Hell. A 1980 Plymouth Horizon (hatchback), silver and black with a sort of maroon interior and a Volkswagen Rabbit engine. 

    It just appeared, one day, like a gift from the gods. Or from my parents. And it wasn't a "gift" so much as an "opportunity for me to drive myself wherever the [bleep] I needed to go so I would STOP ASKING for rides every minute of every [bleep] day."
  7. If I had a nickel for every time I've said, "If I had a buck for every time I've said..."I'd be rich.
  8. Insert your own random thought here--
    this is the best text message I've ever received: "...I was literally requesting you send a toucan immediately."

[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is by Steven Wright]


  1. I knew, I knew, who you were quoting in your title! w00t

    Do you actually have toucans available for shipping? Because, I'd like to meet one someday. ;-)

    1. You have lots in common with the quoted person! (*snort*) Glad I finally picked a recognizable one.

      Nope, I'm toucan-free at this time. But I do thank you, and the original requestor, for your interest in this matter.

    2. We share the hair situation, especially this week, me and the quoted person. ;-)
