
a show of envy is an insult to oneself

March 28: belle epoque
This will not likely become known as my belle epoque; my brain feels clogged and jagged lately.

  1. What irritates you more: misspellings or mispronunciations?
    misspellings. I consider most mispronunciations to be caused by regionalisms and that sort of thing--I, for instance, am completely unable to pronounce "pecan" and "apricot" in the way that most normal people (around here) do. But spelling...spelling is a rule. There are perfectly valid reasons to do it one way, and one way only. And woe unto you who do not.
  2. If your child wanted to marry outside of your faith/belief system, how would you feel about that?
    There are a whole lot more "if"s in that sentence than there appear to be....
    I suppose it would depend, wouldn't it, on the couple, more than anything else.
  3. If you could reverse one law, which one would it be?
    the one that makes it literally impossible for me to buy the over-the-counter allergy medicine that includes a decongestant that I need so that I can breathe without difficulty thanks to my every-single-day-of-the-year "seasonal" allergies.
  4. Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
    that picture reminds me of Robert, a friend I miss very much.
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is by Yevgeny Alexandrovich Yevtushenko]


  1. OK, second try on this (hint: the X in the upper right corner...not to be clicked until AFTER comment is published)...

    For me, I grew up with "puh-CAHN" and "APP-ruh-cot." You? "PEE-cahn" sounds too much like a town, and our insurance company.

    How do you pronounce "coupon"?

  2. I'm "pee-CAN", rhymes with "DeeAnne".
    Apricot is harder to explain. I may have made up my own hybrid.
    "Coupon" doesn't start with a Q - but I have no problem with those who begin it that way. No harm, no foul.

    1. So we don't agree on ANY of these, though I do say "COO-pon" nowadays. We'll have to have apricots next time we're together.
