
you disturb my natural emotions

May 4: supercilious
One of the multiple personalities of someone with whom I work could best be described as supercilious; others include: childish, petulant, irrational, mawkish, and easily distractible.

May 5: ad hoc
Has there ever been an ad hoc committee that simply handled its proposed task and then disbanded, rather than hanging around for too long and irritating everyone involved?

  1. Have you ever watched something unfold that, as you watched, you could not believe what you'd witnessed?
    definitely: the breakup, subsequent separation and divorce of a couple of my friends was a HUGE eye-opener for me, in terms of how truly terrible people can be to each other, how little they sometimes realize that they're airing their business in public (and even when "public" is relative, it can still be squeamish-making when one expects one's friends/family to be able to look one in the eye after divulging the most sordid details about oneself, which come out while dumping on one's significant other), and how it can sometimes be surprisingly easy to "take sides" even when each of the two were my friends before. My friends--my real friends--don't do certain things to the people that they care about. If they do, I know they'll do it to me, too.
  2. What is your favorite city in the world? Why?
    Miami, because it felt like home from the moment I arrived
  3. What is the strangest film, to your sense of reality, that you have ever seen?
    American Me. I happened to see it at the time in my life when I was probably the most...easily affected by something like that, but it was enormously disturbing to me. I had nightmares about it for months after I saw it. The whole idea of it is still extremely troubling to me.

    Oddly, that same summer I saw the Liam Neeson film
    Lamb, which was also nightmare-inducing and terrible (but in a completely different way). {{{shudder}}}
  4. It seems that the older that you get, the less you want the hassle of seeing a live concert. Who is an artist or a band that you'd actually pay to see?
    Alkaline Trio! I've also really fallen for the Sheepdogs. I think both of those bands would be much better in a more intimate venue, though, because of their musical styles (which are nowhere near the same).
  5. When was the last time that you lost your temper?
    um, yesterday? Something at work made me go cross-eyed and kind of woozy. I had the distinct impression, momentarily, that if I do not do EVERYTHING myself, it will not be done properly. That is a very annoying, very pointless feeling.
  6. When you were little, did you think "sex" was a bad word?
    when I was little, I had never heard the word 'sex'
  7. What does your smart phone do that really surprised you when you loaded the app?
    nice assumption. I don't have a smart phone, and neither do ~50% of the people I know.
  8. Have you ever been attracted to someone that you should not have been? (Feel free to take this lame question any way that you please.)
  9. Will you see the new The Three Stooges film?
    Jay Leno once said that the difference between men and women is that men love the Stooges, and women think the Stooges are assholes.

    Enough said?

[snatched from the clutches of The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is from "Ever Fallen in Love" by the Fine Young Cannibals--the verse goes:

You disturb my natural emotions
You make me feel like dirt and I'm hurt
And if I start a commotion
I'll only end up losing you and that's worse]


  1. The ad hoc committee on which I first got to know you disbanded immediately after completing our task. Thank goodness--I couldn't stand the other member of it! ;-)

    1. I had sort of forgotten about that committee--for all the good it did us! Painful.

    2. Girl, that doc is *STILL IN USE* by a certain group of libraries! :-D Its life was prolonged when JR's institution left (as he apparently has, by the way, from his most recent position in your home state as well).

    3. Wow - cool! It's good to have a reminder that there's a world beyond the prairie. *snigger* Out here it's been replaced by a doc that's, oh, 100x longer. Ah, committees....

  2. I had no idea FYC covered the Buzzcocks! Wow!

    1. That was the first CD that I ever bought, and for that song, even! :)
