
you fill yourself with the sharp pain of love, rather than its fulfillment

April 29: adust
The burgers that my brother grilled were surprisingly good, and not the adust horror story that I'd initially feared.
April 30: ramify
After the building has been fully refurbished, the staff units will be ramified to the point that communication is difficult, if not impossible.
May 1: cabotage
Cabotage agreements are what makes it possible for Australian airlines to fly either domestically or internationally into and out of New Zealand--which is, of course, a different country. (See also: cronyism.)
May 2: warp speed
Despite my best efforts, it took me nearly five hours to return home today; I could not achieve warp speed, as I'd initially intended.

I'm back. It didn't quite go as planned (it never does) but I'm not really complaining. The important thing is that I took care of my appointment with the eye doctor, checked in with the fam, and spent some quality time with two good friends. Not nearly enough time, of course, but that's what happens when life gets in the way. It was good while it lasted.

And now, my sleepy head's going to find a pillow. Happily, I'm headache free (for the moment), but for the next time that I have one...

[the title quotation is by Rumi]

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