
I was never more alive

August 28: pink
You think my shell is always strong, but you pink me with your harsh words.
August 29: demotic
There's no accounting for demotic taste—which explains the current thrill for [badly-written] porn for chicks.

  1. Do you ever feel like you are nowhere?
    for the first half of every trip back home—and, interestingly enough, the return trip, too—I feel that way. Also about two or three times a week I'll have that fleeting thought during the day. And lately it's come to me when spending time with someone who used to be a friend and now is more of a... burden.
  2. Do you keep your cool no matter what is going on around you?
    not hardly. My head gets hotter and hotter as time goes on, both in the micro and the macro sense.
  3. Do you feel that career should be more important than your love life?
    sort of. It should be now, anyway, even though it's pretty much been dwarfed by some recent drama (which really shouldn't be poufed up enough to call "love life").
  4. In what way do you feel that you are unique?
  5. Do you feel that there is a part of you that you need to hide from most people?
    tan lines and jealousy
  6. Have you ever held on to a relationship even though you truly knew it was already over?
    of course
  7. Would you say that you are a winner in this game of life?
    I'm a contender. That's probably the best that any of us can say, eh?
  8. Can you tell us about a time when you were broke and yet still happy?
    during my sophomore year of college, I dated a guy who lived across the street from me, Steve. We were both broke all the time, so we couldn't afford to do anything fancy. We'd just stay up late and talk and listen to music (and drink cheap beer). Those nights were some of the best of my life. I will never forget sitting in his armchair, cross-ways on his lap, drinking root beer (after we'd run out of Mickey's Big Mouths).... Loving life, loving that music, loving Steve.
  9. Do you think staying celibate between relationships important?
    celibacy isn't as important to me as safety, health and honesty—and at the moment it's immaterial anyway.
[from The Cat, who got it here. The title quotation is from "Under You" by Better Than Ezra.]

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