
you can't go to work! You have to stay home and write!

  1. What is your all-time favorite movie costume?
    Léon's undershirt and trousers in The Professional. They perfectly suit his transient nature, and express a vulnerability that would not have shown through so nicely if the point had been made more obviously.
  2. What classic film would you nominate for a remake?
    it's not a classic, but Top Secret! ought to be redone for the current audience
  3. Name your favorite femme fatale.
    it's not precisely the point of the role, but Mattie from The Brylcreem Boys made a wonderful point of a triangle
  4. Name the best movie title.
    No Such Thing
  5. Describe the worst performance by a child actor that you’ve ever seen.
    anything that made the screen in El Orfanato would satisfy that request
  6. Who gets your vote for most tragic movie monster?
    The Monster in No Such Thing. It's a gorgeous role, brilliantly played in a fantastic movie that flew under the radar.
  7. What is the one Western that you would recommend to anybody?
    Hannah's Law. It's schmaltzy, sad, rousing, romantic, exciting, dusty, dirty, thrilling, and an overall good time.
  8. Who is your ideal movie-viewing partner?
    N/A. I'm fidgety while I watch, and inordinately picky about subject matter. If I will deign to watch a movie with you, consider yourself very, very blessed.
  9. Has a film ever made you want to change your life? If so, what was the film?
    "want to"? No. But there have been a few movies that have changed me, whether I wanted to or not: Trust, and The Professional. The Big Bad Swim, maybe. Despicable Me, though that may have been as much the circumstances as the movie. And Dodgeball, of course.
  10. Think of one performer that you truly love. Now think of one scene/movie/performance of theirs that is too uncomfortable for you to watch.
    I would sell my soul for Peter Outerbridge, but the movie Lip Service (a.k.a. Out of Sync) is utterly god-awful.
  11. On the flip side, think of one really good scene/performance/movie from a performer that you truly loathe.
    I haven't much respect for Mel Gibson anymore, but he was really good in Tequila Sunrise, a movie that I still adore. Raul Julia was so good.
  12. What is your favorite romantic comedy?
    The Princess Bride. Definitely more comedy than romance, Buttercup!
  13. What is your favorite drama?
    if I'm choosing something I haven't mentioned yet: Verhoeven's Black Book
  14. Worst film you've seen?
    The Unbearable Lightness of Being combined some of my least favorite film elements: heavy metaphor, stupidly excessive length, pointless nudity, and critical acclaim that seemed to apply to another movie entirely. It really was unbearable.
  15. How do you feel about the majority of romantic films being labeled "chick flicks"?
    don't care.
  16. Favorite on-screen couple?
    George Clooney & Julia Roberts were adorable in the Ocean's movies
  17. Favorite off-screen couple?
    E & G (yes, I realize that the point is to give a celebrity example. I don't care about celebrities that much, thanks.)
  18. Best kiss in a movie?
    Audry & Josh in The Unbelievable Truth
  19. Favorite scene?
    Mathilda: "I don't wanna lose you, Leon."
    Léon: "You're not going to lose me. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. And you'll never be alone again, Mathilda. Please, go now, baby, go. Calm down, go now, go."
  20. Who are 2 film characters you wished had gotten together, but never did?
    Amy & Shawn in The Big Bad Swim
  21. Two actors you think would have great chemistry, but have never done a film together?
    I think I'd be pretty bad at this sort of thing - I'm not a good matchmaker.
  22. Favorite song in a film (doesn't have to be from a musical)?
    "Gonna Miss You" by Hub Moore from Surviving Desire
  23. Best score from a film?
    anything by Hal Hartley. He creates some of the most intricately scored films ever made.
  24. Best film quote?
    "Opportunity will move out of the way to let a man pass it by." [Henry Fool]
  25. A film you'd recommend that is a "Must See" for us to watch?
    besides the above? Mystic Pizza. Vincent D'Onofrio before he was Vincent D'Onofrio, and Julia Roberts in her lightest (and yet perhaps most earnest) role ever. Another movie that I love.
[from The Cat, who got it here. The title quotation is from Henry Fool.]


  1. I have seen precisely two of the movies you mentioned here. I've heard of 5 others you mention, one only because you love it. ;-)
