
a little while before farewell?

Things I like right now: 
I'll Seize the Day Tomorrow by Jonathan Goldstein. He's a humorist, not a comedian. Trust me, it's a good thing.
Blue Moon Belgian White
my wind-up bird t-shirt from Lark Toys
everything by Alkaline Trio (yes, I'm in that mood again)--like You've Got So Far to Go
"Soon ends our stay here
and it's been fun.
So tonight I'll raise my glass to us..."
rain while I sleep (I know, it doesn't happen nearly as often as I'd like either)
really good service in a restaurant
thoughtful conversation with a friend ("Be Still")

Things I don't like at all:
freckles (oh, relax - I refer only to mine)
people who yell in bars when everybody else is having quiet conversations
bird poo on my car
memorial services (the need for them, not the things themselves)
sour apples
broken fingernails

[the title quotation is by William Morris, from 'Pain and Time Strive Not,' in Poems by the Way]


  1. I just saw this now, and you choked me up a little. (yeah, it's that kinda day)

    1. Sorry for that, B - but kinda not, too. Letting your feelings come when they will is a good thing, right?

  2. Absolutely! No need for apologies. It just plucked my heart strings and reminded me yet again of how important you are to me.
