
For some must watch, while some must sleep; So runs the world away

    All who have commented, directly or obliquely, here or elsewhere: thank you for trying to help me make sense of, reconcile myself to, or feel better about what I was writing on the first of July. Work and some external things have conspired to make me less likely than normal to say something about it, but I do seem to be sorting it out, slowly.
     In other news, it's now hotter than Hell, after raining nonstop for a couple of weeks. That, in Midwestern summer, means humid. It's pretty much just gross outside, anytime of day. I hate it; this weather makes me miserable.
     I saw my doctor a week or so ago. Just a checkup. It seems that I've lost a bit more weight, so I'm actually nearing the ridiculous number I've claimed on my driver's license for years now—in vain. I can't blame it on homelessness, so prehaps it's the almost lockjaw-type pain that I've got shooting through my face now and then that's doing it. Hard to feel like eating when taking a big bite might leave me with a perpetually open mouth.
     I've been exhausted for the past couple of days, barely able to pull my head off the pillow in the morning to get ready on time, so I'm cutting this short. Time to get into the shower so I can get a few extra winks in before morning hits. I would so much rather just stay in bed until I wake up, probably between 10 and 11:AM, and then eat a leisurely breakfast while reading my book, before taking a shower around noon. Instead, I'll get cold & wet now, then try to sleep with a wet pillow. My life is so hard, right?

[the title quotation is by William Shakespeare, from Hamlet, Act III, scene ii]


  1. Jaw pain? Go to a doctor. In fact, go to a doctor, pronto. Tell the doctor everything and let him/her figure out how to make you feel better. You are not a cowboy on the wide, wide prairie. You are a woman living in civilization, where people are expected to get help. This is part of taking care of yourself.
    Let us know how you feel tomorrow.

  2. oops, this was a few days ago, I now see. Let us know how you are today, for example, but only if you want to. I did not want to sound so bossy.

  3. Your bossy doesn't seem very bossy to me, just concerned.

    After consultations with my doctor and my dentist, it's been determined that my jaw pain is definitely caused by stress, it's not the result of tooth-grinding (a good thing to know) but of relatively simple muscle-clenching. Awareness of how I'm feeling, taking steps to remain calm, removing myself from stressful situations, and use of pain medication in moderation--these are all helping to keep it under control. I truly do feel better than I did when I wrote this, though weekends are always easier than weekdays.

    I'm far from a cowboy! I adore my doctor (and I value my dentist's expertise, too, though my feelings about him are quite more rational) and I'm not afraid to seek professional attention when I need it. I promise!

    Thank you for caring.

  4. thank you for the update. I am glad there is nothing life-threatening wrong with you, and sorry that stress is so physically painful.

  5. Good to know things are slightly improved. Take care. Pain sucks.
