
it's like fifteen drunken monkeys with a jigsaw puzzle

How this "One Lovely Blog Award" works:
  • Add the "One Lovely Blog Award" image to your post
  • Share seven things about you
  • Pass the award on to seven nominees
  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a short blurb about them
  • Inform the nominees by posting on their blogs
About Me
1. I find it harder to do this sort of thing, the longer I'm at this. The very few blogs that I read are extremely personal to me, so I'm reluctant to share 'nominees' (unlike early days, when "publicity" seemed to be a bonus!).
2. "Sharing things about me" is, in a sense, what this blog is all about. A discrete list of seven seems to be either much too much or far too little.
3. Chocolate graham crackers are better than the regular ones. What flavor are the regular ones, by the way? Is that just "graham"? Whatever it is, it's pretty good--until you've had the chocolate ones.
4. My fingernails are, at the moment, longer and stronger than they've ever been before. I broke one (the shortest one!) last night, but the rest look ridiculous, like they belong at the end of someone else's fingers! I've finally achieved one of the undisputed signs of sophisticated womanhood for which Brian from Mad-town found me lacking. Strange that I don't feel more proud of it. In fact, I'm having an almost unquenchable urge to cut them all to a reasonable length before they break below the tip (or bend back, worse!) and cause me pain.
5. This has been a surprisingly lousy week at the reading factory. I use the word "surprising" not because it's unprecedented, but because I thought I'd grown numb to all of it. Every day, a new adventure.
6. I haven't seen a movie at the theater since the year that Nick and I broke up. That's probably proof enough of my lack of dateability.
7. I'm considering going back and merging another blog of mine (which had been written pseudonymously) into this one. Or prehaps two of them. Anyway, it looks like it wouldn't be that much work, and it would be swell to have all of it in one convenient location, but there are some...issues...that would need to be ironed out first. And of course it would dramatically increase the size of the blog, and also change the tone (if read from end to end). It's something to think about, anyway, should my free time allotment open up anytime soon.

I offer three:
  1. bgm from Sledding with Rosebud
  2. Nick Earls, the brilliant Australian author who wrote Perfect Skin (one of my absolute favorite books of all time) and Two to Go and Bachelor Kisses and Monica Bloom, and...from Nick Earls Blogs Here
  3. Cindy at adventures in blah blah land
    Links to--rather than posts on--their blogs will have to do. I'll not intrude on them. If they find this, then I'll be pleased to share the 'honor', whether or not they wish to take it further.


...to The Cat, who is my friend, confidante, colleague, landlady (in a sense), longest-term reader, and occasional shopping partner. She is one of two people I know who are as widely-read as I am, though (as does the other) we share almost nothing in common in our reading tastes. She makes a mean chicken tikka masala in particular, but is in general a good cook and always sets the sort of table that makes one want to get comfy and overstay one's welcome. (Which I do. Trust me.) She and her family have never been less than expansively gracious with me, which makes me self-conscious because I'm naturally awkward but also leaves me grateful and awestruck that I could be so lucky as to back into profound friendships, just by attending a simple work meeting and being friendly with the right person. And, thanks to our friendship, I've a whole cloud of other friends (including the elusive Robert, the Nor'easter, the overseas one, the skinny IT guy, the Historical artist, and The Nephews) whom I will never forget, even if some are no longer in my direct sphere. I knew her as a person first and as a blogger later, of course, but thank goodness for those blog connections. They've saved me. Thanks, Cat.

[the title quotation is by Scott Adams, from Dilbert--because it reminded me that everything online is about what you make other people believe, not what really is, right?]


  1. I'm not sure drunk monkeys would be any worse than sober monkeys at jigsaws. Then again, I'm not sure I want to be the researcher on this project since drunk monkeys sounds rather dangerous.

    Anyway, deep thanks and aw shucks...and now I'm hungry for tikka, and a shopping trip where no money is spent.

    (I really had to THINK about your list of Blog People!)

    1. I tried to be extra vague re: blog folks. ;)

      Tikka! Tikka! Tikka!
