
Tonight we drink to youth And holding fast to truth

  • When's the last time you ran? the last time I was chased, of course
  • Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them? no, and I've been thinking that it's about time that I remedy that—and, conveniently, it's also time that I go shopping, since I have almost no pants that will stay up without duct-taping them to my skin. I've lost all my pants-keeping-up weight, I guess.
  • What are you dreading right now? just Monday, like always
  • Do you celebrate 420? in my heart, Hell yeah. Thanks, Dan the activist!
  • Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night? some days, I do, indeed. The past few nights been berry, berry good to me!
  • If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would y'all do? sit around, talk, eat, and maybe read
  • Who last grabbed your ass? probably Rowdy? It's been rather a while.
  • Have you ever been on your school's track team? I ran a couple of races in high school, to see if track was for me. It was not.
  • Do you own a pair of Converse? yup. The ones I have now are cream and brown. The last pair before that were mint green.
  • Did you copy and paste this survey? yesss
  • Do you eat raw cookie dough? only if I've made it myself
  • Have you ever kicked a vending machine? yep. My temper gets hot over stuff like that.
  • Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over? sorta yeah, sorta no, since I'm prone to playing the same mix CD for a couple of weeks at a time before swapping them out
  • Do you watch [home shows on TV]? more lately than ever before, but they really don't do much for me—people with far too much money, wanting more conspicuous possessions than they've already got
  • How do you eat Oreos? selectively. I don't like standard Oreos at all, just the vanilla kind. And I usually twist them open, eat the frosting-free cookie side first, and then eat the other side with the frosting. Everybody has their quirks, right?
  • Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone? it's been a while. Now I'm more likely to click off in a hurry if I think someone's going to actually find me online.
  • Are you cocky? would anyone believe me if I said no? In other words: yes, about some things. A lot of things, really. The things that I know.
  • Could you live without a computer? literally, yes
  • Do you wear your shoes in the house? that depends on the house
  • Who or what sleeps with you? no one and nothing, to my knowledge, at this time
  • At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real? I was pretty young. My siblings were a bit sadistic.
  • How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house? technically, there are four overall (two of each).
  • What do you do when you're sad? depends on the source of the sad
  • Who would you call first if you won the lottery? my parents, since they'd be instrumental in the cause if that were actually to happen
  • Last time you saw your best friend? either 10 minutes ago, or a week ago, or a couple of months ago, or two years ago. Or so. -ish. Depending on how you slice the question.
  • Are you in high school? not for a while now
  • What jewelry are you wearing? six earrings and a toe ring
  • Is anyone on your bad side now? a couple of people from work could use a reality check one of these years, and a couple of people don't seem to understand that all my leisure time isn't reserved for their use
  • What's the first thing you do when you get online? um, whatever the purpose was for getting online. I'm not like that, with slogging through a routine.
  • Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? not for a while now, no. I think I watched the first couple of years. At that time in my life, there seemed to be a lot about the show that was relevant to my interests. Now, there is nothing about it that makes me wish to watch it at all.
  • How do most people spell your name? the first part seems to go all right most of the time, but it goes downhill from there. The last part is almost never spelled properly, even by people who know me well. It doesn't particularly bother me, except when there's ample opportunity to be clear about it and the person doesn't bother.
  • Would you wear a boy/girlfriend's clothes? I have, for various reasons, at different times. It's not a particular goal of mine, to be sure.
  • Where do you work? in godforsaken HELL, naturally
  • What are you doing tomorrow? sleeping in, making scones, reading, and probably sorting through some books in the basement for potential donation to a worthy cause. Oh, and attending a going-away party for someone I've worked with, who will be going off to college. Sad!
  • Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson? I have no clue how that question is intended to be taken, but I'm going to give it an unequivocal No. Justin Timberlake seems to be a grown-up, charming, talented actor and singer, and he seems to have his head on straight.
  • Favorite name for a girl? this is in the top five of most lame meme questions ever. So, here's a free one for you.

  • Favorite name for a boy? Ahem.
    "Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world's phenomena intersect, only once in this way and never again."
    [Hermann Hesse]
  • Will you keep your last name when you get married? indeed, no. Should the issue arise.
  • When was the last time you left your house? I popped out to grab the mail earlier this afternoon. Apart from that, it was yesterday at 8:25, for work.
  • Do you return your cart? of course
  • Do you have a dishwasher? only these two hands
  • What noise do you hear? the godforsaken refrigerator. One of these days...
  • Would you survive in prison? depends, I suppose, on the nature of the prison. I was the overwhelming favorite to win a cage match to the death against coworkers a couple of years ago, the import of which cannot be discounted.
  • Who is the youngest in your family? my niece has a daughter
  • If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likely overpack? {shrug} maybe me
  • Do you know anyone with the same name as you? my former spouse, for one (last only)
  • What's the last thing you purchased? new hair
  • Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you? nearly ever time I go back home, my brother takes me out for dinner. Does that count?
  • What brand are your pants right now? probably Target?
  • Ever been to Georgia (the state)? yes. Not a huge fan, but I've not traveled there widely so that opinion is subject to change without notice.
  • What irritates you most on the Internet? people who won't let a moment go by without expressing an opinion about someone else's stuff, but who rarely actually create their own stuff
  • What brand is your digital camera? no clue. I almost always use my phone now, to my chagrin.
  • Do you watch movies with your parents? yes, usually at least once each visit
  • What song best describes your life right now? "I'm Doin' My Best" by Gary Allan
  • Do you own expensive perfume/cologne? I own a surprisingly vast array of expensive scents, most of which I don't choose to wear.
  • Are you taking college classes right now? good God no
  • Do you like sushi? I'll eat it, but I'm not a big fan
  • Do you get your hair cut every month? every five weeks, on the dot
  • Do you go online everyday? no, it's less than that now. I use the Internet when I'm at work but not so much from home.
  • Will you pass this survey on to 5 people? no, mostly because of the two people I'd pass it to, one has already done it and the other will likely either comment extensively or will choose to do it anyway. There are a lot of hits on the blog lately (I mean, running steadily 80% more than three months ago...) but I've no idea who they are, why they've come, or whether they also blog. So: welcome. Comment if you wish. And enjoy, if y'all want to.
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is from "Love Hurts" by Incubus]


  1. The first two answers made me smile. And then you quoted Herman Hesse. So many reasons I adore you.

  2. Yeah, you are definitely my pick to win a cage match over anyone I've met at your workplace...I'd put money on ya and you know I don't do that.
