
we tear life out of life to use it for looking at itself

You Are iPhone
You love technology, and you love to be the first of your friends to get a gadget. 
You may even stand in line for it.
You feel like there's only a couple companies making gadgets products you trust 
(not to name any names!), and you'll buy whatever they come out with next.
It's likely that you have a head for design, marketing, writing, and music. 
You love technology that is also beautiful.
You think it's best to keep it simple when it comes to technology. 
You prefer something that does a few things well.
You are probably the type of person who enjoys scripted TV dramas, 
sushi, literary fiction, indie pop, and even a little Woody Allen.
You are cultured and very sophisticated. You have your eye out for 
the best entertainment, food, clothing, and travel.

[from The Cat; the bits in italics are particularly apt. The title quotation is by Antonio Porchia, from Voces]


  1. How the hell are we friends?! ;)

    1. It must happen in those times in between, when technology doesn't matter. :P
