
tied up and twisted the way I'd like to be--for you, for me, come crash into me

nine about Dave Matthews Band
  • The lyrics to So Much to Say refer to a baby's "one year of crying." When was the last time you cried ... felt weepy ... or at least teared up?
    I've cried a lot over the past six weeks. One of my friends died. I miss him. Missing him reminded me how lucky I am. Life is funny that way sometimes.
  • Let's lighten it up a little. When was the last time you laughed really hard?
    when I was home for my friend's memorial service, I went out with a dear friend afterward, to raise a glass in our friend's honor. It was that, and it was also our only chance in a while to catch up. And it was, honestly, an opportunity to 'normalize' what was otherwise a very difficult, awkward, uncomfortable situation for both of us, albeit for different reasons. And so we drank, shared a pizza (delicious), talked, laughed—and acknowledged that our mutual friend would have loved to have been there with us. Was that the best part of the evening, or the worst?
    Yes, it sure as Hell was.
  • Do you have "so much to say" that hasn't been said yet? Tell us if you owe someone a phone call, note, email or text.
    I'm emailing with a friend in the West as I write this. I've been overdue in writing to him for a while.
    I've been meaning to send a note to a friend who's been on my mind for a while, though since he never writes back, it's hard to say that I 'owe' it.
    A friend from college has a birthday in a couple of days. It would be almost unprecedented for me to get a card to him on time.
    One of my dear friends is about to (?) have a baby or two. I'd love to get her gift package in the mail before that occurs.
    I think I probably owe my parents a few thousand calls, letters and emails, too.
  • Earlier this summer, Dave Matthews took a bike ride before a show and his tire blew out. He didn't have a cell phone with him and was afraid of missing that night's performance. Fortunately two fans—driving to see Dave Matthews Band in concert—recognized him by the side of the road and gave him a ride to the show. Share a recent act of kindness you either did, or received.
    the way I heard it, they stopped to give aid to someone in need, and only then discovered that it was Dave Matthews. But anyway....
    A very small handful of my friends helped me move my houseful of stuff into various spaces, mostly using non-moving vehicles, mostly during VERY inhospitable weather. To say that it went above and beyond the call of duty—and continues to do so—is such a huge understatement, I can barely stand to bring it up because it makes me want to apologize again. Ugh.
  • Before he hit it big, Dave Matthews was a bartender. What job did you have right before the one you have now?
    I was a graduate assistant in the Department of Physical Therapy at the law school university
  • The Dave Matthews Band recorded an album live at the Red Rocks Amphitheater, in the mountains near Denver. Is there a trip to the mountains in your future?
    eventually, probably. I'm not a fan of heights, and I much prefer vacations during which I do no actual work, so I wouldn't really seek them out, but others in my life are oriented toward them. And I love my friends.
  • Do you suffer from hay fever or allergies?
    very much so. I forgot to take my allergy medicine this morning and was swollen and throbbing by 9:30.
  • What's in your pocket right now?
    nothing, because I'm wearing PJ pants and headed for bed shortly. The only things I ever carry in my pockets, though, are my keys (during the day, at work) and a hair tie. Anything else will ruin my lines, y'know?
  • American Express promotes "Small Business Saturday," and encourages us to shop at local, independent retailers. Is there a shop, boutique or restaurant in your town that you're particularly fond of?
    Moxie! One of those rare stores where I can always find something that I really, really want (for myself), plus it's a terrific source for gifts for friends. And vintage. And hats! And jewelry. And cards. And and and..!
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is from "Crash into Me" by Dave Matthews Band]


  1. Yes, it sure as Hell was. Resonance.

  2. If I could get you to Red Rocks once, on a perfect warm, breezy day, just to sit and talk and bask in the sun...it could change your life. :-) I'll even trade you for a similar day in a venue of your choice near the river.
