
there's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out

Views from my recent travels...
Bob's yer uncle! My mom had a cactus with hangy-downy arms, so naturally she bought a bar stool for it to sit on.
Coin of unknown origin that my cousin carries around. I attempted to snatch it, but was denied.
Philosophy on a stick!
Raspberry daiquiri and strawberry margarita 
"Margarona" - margarita with a Corona upended into it. Sounds bleghy to me, but I guess it works for getting one "tipsy"...
There were some very non-restful clouds happening at the rest area when I came through.
from I'll Seize the Day Tomorrow by Jonathan Goldstein 

[the title quotation is by Lou Reed, from "Magic and Loss"]


  1. Like daughter, like mother?
    I'm pretty sure that coin is a ruble. Seeing as how it says "Ruble" in Cyrillic. :P
    Since I don't like margaritas OR beer, seems like a perfect set up for someone other than me.

    1. I guess the coin should have been obvious.

    2. If you know Cyrillic letters...which there's no reason most Americans need to.

      Honestly? I didn't even know there was a one ruble coin. I've only seen paper rubles.

  2. Philosophy on a stick. Perfect! And huge bonus points for quoting one of my all-time favorite songwriters.

    1. No Lou Reed in that box, though, was there?

  3. No, but I have plenty. That box, by the by, was incredible. Used up much of the weekend perusing it. SO happy that have more than tripled my Christmas music collection in one grand gesture.
