
be still, part 1

    I've been thinking a lot over the past few days about the religious/philosophical concept of/command to "be still." Trying to put it in some sort of perspective for myself. I'm going in circles for now, which is all right. I will be curious, though, to see if what I come up with corresponds to the way that others understand it.
    This is what I've got so far: “Sit, be still, and listen, because you're drunk and we're at the edge of the roof.” 

 [Rumi {Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī}]


  1. A perfect starting point. :-)

  2. Well, that's an interesting take. "Be still or else"--had literally never thought about it this way.

    Pondering...thank you.

  3. "Be still" because you may not be where you thought you were. It's easier to see where you are when you stop to look.
