
enough! or Too much.

  1. Picture postcards were first printed back in the mid-1800's and deltiology is the official name for postcard collecting. When did you last send a postcard? Receive one? Do you save postcards sent to you? Do you collect and/or send postcards when you travel?
    I last sent a postcard less than a month ago, though it was from home, not while traveling. I often pick them up while traveling and then keep them with my stationery to send to particular out-of-town friends. I've not received one in a year or two. I don't collect them for general nostalgic reasons, but I will keep one now and then if it has particular meaning.
  2. What treat do you most like to indulge in while on vacation?
    it depends where I am. I like to seek out something that is germane to the area that I'm visiting. When in Miami, the Cuban food is a big hit. Mississippi required a few stops for BBQ (and waffles). When I'm home, I often try to get at least a couple of cheese curds. Around here, the pizza really can't be beat.
  3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
    not at all, apparently. I was scolded for that this week. It's a lucky thing for me, though, that I'm accountable neither for what I've not been told, nor for what's eating at another's conscience. I have enough legitimate problems of my own that I'm not actively seeking out anyone else's.
  4. Does your town/city/county still deliver telephone books to your home? Do you check the yellow pages when searching for a local business number or has the Internet replaced the phone book in your home?
    I think that there are at least three and possibly as many as five local phone books. I don't remember the last time I used one.
  5. Would you rather be first or last?
    that obviously depends on the circumstances. I can sometimes be patient, and other times am willing to sacrifice. And often, whether by accident or design, I simply fall toward the middle.
  6. July is National Park and Recreation Month in America. Where and when were you last in a park? Did you participate in any recreational activities while you were there?
    the last couple of times I was home, I went driving in the park near the lakes with (different) guys with whom I went to high school. The earlier time, it was with patently lascivious intent—unrealized. The latter, it was because we were through with dinner but not yet done talking, so we enjoyed a congenial tour through familiar surrounds.
  7. What was one of your worst ideas?
    answering the telephone when a guy I know called to ask me for help. I should have known that he meant to push his trouble onto me.
  8. Insert your own random thought here.
    it's almost gift-time again! I'm putting together my wish list; it should be ready to go up tomorrow. I know that's everyone's favorite post of the year!
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is by William Blake, from 'Proverbs of Hell' in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell]

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