

    Some days, I really wish it were possible to put up an "out of service" sign on myself. Then I wouldn't even need to pretend to try to get along with other people. I've had a headache for a couple of days, I'm not sleeping right, the cat scratched my right index finger deeply enough to draw blood and bring tears to my eyes, the printer isn't working properly, I haven't had a real hug in so long that I can't remember the last one, I need gas for the car, and mostly I just want to lie down on the floor and bellow, for no apparent reason. It will all get better, probably sooner than I realize, but at the moment it feels impossible.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, I know this feeling well, and I'm sorry you're there as well. Virtual hugs to you (maybe a real one soon?) and I hope today is better.

    WV: aptnerg
