
Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love.

  • Your cell phone? smudgy
  • Your hair? damp
  • Your mother? smart
  • Your father? perceptive
  • Your favourite thing? kisses
  • Your dream last night? ex-boyfriend
  • Your favourite drink? alcohol
  • Your dream/goal? writing
  • What room you are in? bedroom
  • Your hobby? reading
  • Your fear? heights
  • Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
  • Where were you last night? here
  • Something that you aren't? athletic
  • Muffins? blueberry
  • Wish list item? sundancecatalog.com
  • Where you grew up? hilltop
  • Last thing you did? read
  • What are you wearing? flannel
  • Your TV? boxed
  • Your pets? borrowed
  • Friends? varied
  • Your life? almost
  • Your mood? wistful
  • Missing someone? yup
  • Car? grubby
  • Something you’re not wearing? polish
  • Your favourite store? Hobbs
  • Your favourite colour? gray
  • When is the last time you laughed? unclear
  • Last time you cried? yesterday
  • A place you go over & over? mind
  • How do you feel about the future? trepidatious
[from The Cat, who got it here; the title quotation is by George R.R. Martin from A Game of Thrones, and reads in its entirety: "Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy."]

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