
I do not think it means what you think it means

    I'm house-sitting for my...what are they? House-mates? Landlords? Friends? However I should put it, I'm home alone while they're away taking care of some business early this week. I'm bored, a little frustrated with the four-legged wonders (who are also frustrated by my lack of responsiveness to their ever-present needs), and quite lonely. This does not bode well for my eventual alone-living, does it?
     I've responded by watching some movies. Yesterday, I saw the new Jason Statham flick, Redemption. It was the best I've seen from him since War, which is a pretty darned good movie under any circumstances. I laughed, and I was close to tears, and I even took a photograph of the TV so that I could share this line with the world:
yep, he said that.

     After that, I tried to watch the new Joss Whedon version of Much Ado About Nothing, but after 30, maybe 45 minutes, I turned it off. It was unwatchably bad; I hated it. [spoiler alert] Shakespeare is, clearly, fucking awesome. Modern adaptations can also be really good. A cobbled-together combination of the two has to be done RIGHT to be good, and this just plain wasn't; modern dress, modern conventions (cars, phones, whatever), but dialogue straight out of the play?!? It made me want to punch myself in the ears. It was terribly stilted, and when combined with godforsaken queasycam, made the film literally nauseating. I had to turn it off or risk vomiting in my own lap.
     Today's selection was much better: Frozen Ground, starring Nicholas Cage, John Cusack and Vanessa Hudgens. It was hard to watch, but I was impressed by the range of both Cusack and Hudgens. Cage really threw himself into this one, and it showed (though the special features interview reveals him to be as much of a nut as he ever was).
     The best part of the day, without a doubt? Getting in on the Kickstarter for Hal Hartley's new movie project, Ned Rifle. It's the third in the Simon Grim series, begun with Henry Fool and followed by Fay Grim. I love Hal Hartley anyway, but this approach to film financing intrigues me, so I'm super excited. I can't wait to see what happens with the project.

[the title quotation is by William Golding, from The Princess Bride, and reads in its entirety: “Inconceivable!" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”]

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