
I don't talk things, sir. I talk the meaning of things

  1. What would you do if you were at a dance club with your significant other and he or she got into a fistfight with someone? I guess it would depend on the kind of fight.
  2. Has anyplace ever asked you to leave? oh Hell yeah
  3. Have you ever been openly kicked out? I've been thrown out of numerous bars, a couple of restaurants, a lot of private houses, one church - and off a college campus
  4. Are you permanently banned from anywhere? well, yeah, but only in the sense that they wanted us to take it seriously when we were asked to leave that college campus
  5. Who is your favorite movie director? Hal Hartley
  6. What topic do you hate to talk about? politics. I don't care whether you agree with me or fully disagree with me, but I'm absolutely sick to death of hearing about it.
  7. Are you looking forward to the remake of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or do you think it could never be as good as the original? nothing could ever be as good as the original
  8. Do you enjoy the band Ministry? not so much
  9. What is your coziest article of clothing? it's currently 6°, with a windchill of -6°, and the humidity is at a staticky 71%. I would happily wear two or three layers of my "coziest" clothing at the same damned time right now. It's very hard to think in relative terms about "cozy."
  10. What is your favorite word to say? "platypus"
  11. Does your name and your significant other's name feel like one word to you? oh, the painful irony
  12. Do you like the band the Buzzcocks? I know nothing about them
  13. Can you tell when other people are lying? some people, yes
  14. Do you like to wear glitter? I loathe glitter. I hate it so, so, so very much!
  15. Would you prefer to wrap your own presents or have them all gift-wrapped? there is one place in town that does the most exquisite gift-wrapping. I love what they do. Otherwise, I almost always wrap my own gifts.
  16. Where do you go when you want to meet new people? therapy
  17. What is the best first sentence to a book, in your opinion? "It was a pleasure to burn." --that's right up there. (Ray Bradbury, from Fahrenheit 451
  18. Should fun or safety come first? fun
  19. Does mind over matter work for you? yes, in things like panic attacks and airplane takeoffs
  20. What's the most weight you ever lost in one year? 80 lb.
  21. What are your feelings about punk and goth? meh. Been there, but it's nowhere I'm going again.
  22. Did you ever write something when you were high and then looked at it sober and realized that it was nonsense? welcome to college
  23. How often do you shave:
    (guys) your face?
    (girls) your legs?
    (girls) under your arms?
    as needed
  24. What word do you often hear people misuse? verbiage. There is an I in that word, but absolutely no one pronounces it correctly.
  25. Have you ever used somebody? of course
  26. Are you paranoid? I'm not, but you are
  27. What is the best music video of all time? probably something by R.E.M. "Try not to Breathe" maybe?
  28. How many Shakespeare plays have you read all the way through? six or eight. Not too many. More of the sonnets, for sure.
  29. What was the deepest religious or spiritual experience you've ever had? good question. I will think on that one and get back to you, maybe write a separate post about it.
  30. What is it like to be you today? sleepy, stuffy head, happy, in love, challenging, challenged, nervous
  31. Do you like to play games? yes. It's one of my great joys and worst traits.
  32. Have you made any good friends on this diary site? some of the best. Life changing, never forgotten.
[From the 5000-question meme; this is the second third of the twenty-third part. The title quotation is also from Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury]

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