
'tis love, 'tis love, that makes the world go round!

  1. Are you an optimist? selectively, but not generally
  2. If you were in the Breakfast Club, which character would you be? Bender
  3. Who do you have no respect for? those who use a position of power for gain, particularly gossip
  4. Is the plural form of cactus cactuses or cactii? cacti
  5. Is the plural form of penis penises or penii? penises (though it is not a word that is generally pluralized)
  6. What does your favorite coffee mug look like? it looks like an old diner-style mug, and in typewriter font reads "Have a Day"
  7. Have you ever gotten hurt at a concert? uh, no
  8. What age do you think it is most difficult to be? the current one. Always the current one.
  9. Do you like to be considered weird or different? it's not a requirement, but sometimes a byproduct of life
  10. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? sure
  11. Is your body an amusement park? it's a wonderland, of sorts, for the right audience
  12. Are DJs obsolete? not even
  13. What is the best liquid in existence? blood
  14. What is turning out better than expected? one of my plants. It used to be sort of straggly and wussy but now it's a hearty little specimen.
  15. Who is the most overbearing person you know? one of my friends, who really isn't so much of a friend anymore. Just way too much in all senses.
  16. Who does it surprise you that you are close to? LG. She's lovely and kind and very, very moral.
  17. Apparently Eminem got booed at the MTV music video awards because he was making fun of Moby onstage. What do you think of this? the booing, I can get behind. "Making fun" is just bullying by another name.
  18. Close your eyes. What do you see? the laptop screen - there's not much ambient light in this room
  19. What's the best Van Halen song? "Why Can't This be Love?"
  20. What do you picture when you hear the word "Puritans?" Sir Thomas More, as played by Jeremy Northam. Not a fan of those Puritans, was he.
  21. Have you ever been on a trampoline? yes, I was a child for a while
  22. What do you use batteries for the most often? cell phone? Remotes? Garage door opener? They are ubiquitous.
  23. What do you find thrilling? mutual affection
  24. Porch swing. Sunrise. What else could you ask for? a text message that reads "Good morning Sunshine!!!"
  25. Do you like William Shatner's cover of Mr Tambourine Man? ugh, I've never heard it but my ears are bleeding just imagining it
  26. Where's the sexiest place to have a piercing? funny you should ask, I was discussing piercings earlier today. I'm thinking about letting four of mine close up and getting one new one.
    Sexy doesn't really enter into it as much as pain relief and "classy," all of a sudden. Life is weird.
  27. Do you get panic attacks? not as much anymore as I have in the past. I've learned some coping mechanisms that have helped a lot.
  28. How long does getting dressed to go to a club take you? "club". Hmm..
  29. What is Adam Ant's best song? "Strip"
  30. Does your body need improvement or is it just fine? there are, as with the roads in this states, areas under construction at all times
  31. Does watching MTV or reading beauty magazines make you feel bad about yourself? no - but prehaps I don't watch so much MTV or read those magazines, in part because of the psychological effects that they carry
  32. What is the most romantic movie ever? I'm especially fond of "Trust" by Hal Hartley, and "Shakespeare in Love," and "Strictly Ballroom" - off the top of my head
  33. Do you think that women are treated as second-class citizens of this world? well, that's certainly the prevailing theory, isn't it?
[From the 5000-question meme; this is the first third of the twenty-third part. The title quotation is by Lewis Carroll, from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass]


  1. If you've not heard Shatner's Tambourine Man it's a must, especially the part where he continually calls out to Mr. Tambourine Man, as if he's lost in a corn maze, his voice starting quiet at first and then building in a panicked timbre.

    1. I tried, but could not bring myself to listen to it, afraid that I'd be stuck with the earworm to beat all earworms. For the nonce, I'll need to trust you on this one.
