
every instant another thing To want

To want to be awake
Every hour, to miss nothing
Of the changeable air, the lake.
To want to be awake
In the light and starred dark--
Every instant another thing
To want. To be awake
Every hour. To miss nothing
Time to admit
That misanthropy
Has a logic to it.
Time to admit
Some days you'd quit
The species and flee.
Time to admit
That misanthropy.
Do you still think of me
As I still think of you
When I'm by the sea--
Do you still think of me
When you pass that stand of cherry trees
That bar on 81st only we knew--
Do you still think of me
As I still think of you?

[Maureen N. McLane {1967- } from 'Songs of a Season II' in World Enough]

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