
I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me

Go ahead: guess which one is the lie!
  1. There are almost no photographs of me in my twenties. I've been on the hunt for something from that era - wanting to share with someone who I met later than that - and am coming up dry. This has taught me a few things. First, that there are very few people who have photographed me, ever. It's usually blown off with "you were the one with the camera in our faces all the time." Well, yeah, maybe so. But did that render me invisible to you? Second, selfies changed photography forever.
  2. Three days. That's the longest that I've gone (at least during the COVID-19 stay-at-home mandate) without speaking to another living soul.
  3. Seven pounds gained, three lost again. Pants still getting smaller, though. Like, too small.
  4. I have never driven my own moving truck. Someone else has always done that for me.
  5. Just today I threw out plane ticket stubs and souvenir maps from trips that I took when I was married.
  6. Everything about canals (at least the ocean kind) fascinates me.
  7. I am more afraid of being the person who does nothing than who does the wrong thing.
  8. Two members of my family have the same names as (legit) movie stars.
  9. Rent on my last apartment in the Flat was more than my house payment is now.
  10. I own nine vases - after giving away thirteen others.
  11. Three friends have made (casual) offers to buy my house.
[the title quotation is by S.E. Hinton, from The Outsiders]

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