from "40 Would You Rather Questions for College Students"
Would you rather have 8 a.m. classes every day or 8 p.m. classes every day?
- that's an easy one. I had only one 8:AM class in college, which was Intro to French. To put it mildly, it was not my finest course. On the other hand, I had several (i.e. at least one every term for my last 2+ years) 6-10 PM classes, which I liked very much and in which I always did well. They suited my night-owl nature, and compressing a week's work into one night made it easier to sort out when and how to study. They also tended to be populated by classmates who were of a similar nature, so they were more low-key and fun than a lot of day classes.
Would you rather have a job you hated that made you rich or have a job you loved that ensured you would always be poor?
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(my phone model) |
Would you rather never be able to eat desserts again or never be able to sleep in again?
- another easy one. I would happily give up desserts in order to be able to sleep until I wake naturally.
Would you rather never have a smartphone again or never have a laptop again?
- I could live without a laptop, I think. I use my phone a lot.
Would you rather be able to eat anywhere for free or be able to get any clothes from any store for free?
- clothes. I know that I can keep myself comfortably fed, but my taste for better clothes is never quite sated.
Would you rather not be able to taste or not be able to see colors?
- it might be all right not to taste, but I think I would miss colors a lot
Would you rather have to sing everything you say (but say as much as you want) or talk normally but only be allowed 100 words a day?
- 100 words a day seems fine to me. My singing, on the other hand, would (apparently) be tedious for everyone involved.
Would you rather know only the bad parts of your future or not know your future at all?
- no parts at all, please. If there is no avoiding it, why be assured that the bad things are coming? That would be so negative. I can't imagine living my life like that anymore.
Would you rather be the smartest person of all time or the most beautiful person of all time?
- I'd like to have been beautiful. The other is inconsequential to me.
Would you rather get a degree in what you love or get a degree in something that will make you money?
- supposedly the point is to do what you love and the dough will follow along behind. I am an obvious example of just how not-true that is.
Pursuing a degree "in something that will make you money" is vacuous and pathetic. There are plenty of lucrative career choices that do not require a degree. Don't waste anyone else's time, just go out there and make your money. Leave the schooling for the people who have the desire to learn.
And you who are in it for the love: good luck. When you have the option, go broad rather than narrow. Concentrate on learning how to think rather than what to think.
Would you rather only be able to watch Oscar-nominated movies or watch any movie except for Oscar-nominated movies?
- I would watch any movie except the Oscar-nominated ones, and here's why: my all-time favorites are not "Oscar films." To have missed seeing them in favor of some critically acclaimed blockbuster is no great trade. There is joy to be found in the obscure.
Would you rather always be able to know when someone is lying to you or never know?
- never. Human interaction can be difficult enough without some pleasant deceptions now and then. If I am in a sad mood and a friend says, "That outfit looks pretty on you" - the point is not the accuracy of the statement but the kindness with which it is meant. And if some rare, harder deceptions are the cost of those thoughtful lies...I'll accept it.
Would you rather that everyone in the world has your phone number or never have a cell phone again?
- I would give up my cell phone in that bargain, no question—even considering that I surrendered my laptop for it, above!
Would you rather have it always be summer or always be winter?
- if I had to choose, I would pick summer. Being cold all the time, and having to drive in that crap, gets old fast. But I would really miss wearing sweaters and boots and jeans now and then!
Would you rather be the best in the world at a sport no one cares about or have an average career playing a very popular sport?
- another easy one! I would love to be the best in the world at table tennis, which no one cares about. Popularity doesn't matter to me at all.
Would you rather never drink caffeine again or never drink alcohol again?
- Alcohol, I'm sorry to say, is a pretty rare treat around here. I could probably give it up without noticing. Caffeine on the other hand is a daily crutch. I would like to kick the habit but the thought of the headaches between here and there intimidates me.
Would you rather never be able to wear shoes again or never be able to wear a coat again?
- I could gladly give up coats, but shoes are vital to my happiness!
Would you rather be convicted for life for a crime you didn’t commit or have someone else serve a life sentence for a crime you committed?
- I'm a relatively decent person, but I'm no selfless idiot. I would rather someone else serve for my crime.
Would you rather have only terrible and boring professors but get all A’s or have great and interesting professors but get all C’s?
- it's hard to imagine a world where I would get all C's from great and interesting professors, but that is what I would choose, regardless. It's not the destination but the journey that matters, especially in education.
[from here; the title quotation is by Tom Robbins, from Still Life with Woodpecker]
[from here; the title quotation is by Tom Robbins, from Still Life with Woodpecker]
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