
so beautiful my heart almost melted away

Wm went into the wood to alter his poems 
writes Dorothy. I shelled peas, gathered beans, 
and worked in the garden. This is Grasmere 

where she picked and boiled gooseberries, 
two lbs. of sugar in the first panfull 
while Wm went into the wood to alter his poems 

a trip he makes almost daily, composing 
the lines she will later copy. Mornings 
she works in the garden at Grasmere 

which looked so beautiful my heart 
almost melted away, she confides 
while Wm's in the wood altering his poems. 

On one of their daily walks she observes 
helpful details of Wm's famed daffodils. 
Then it's back to the garden at Grasmere 

where she ties up her scarlet runner beans 
and pulls a bag of peas for Miss Simpson. 
Leave Wm in the wood to alter his poems; 
praise Dorothy in the garden at Grasmere. 

[Maxine Kumin {1925-2014} 'The Domestic Arrangement' from Still to Mow]

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