
I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me

"Questions to Get to Know Someone"

1. What shows are you into?
    I expect to see the final season of Criminal Minds fairly soon. We are very, very slowly picking our way through the early episodes of The Simpsons. And I expect that I will watch all of SportsNight one of these days.
pork chop with potatoes
Pork chop & potatoes
2. What's your claim to fame?
    Compulsive alphabetizing. 
    And big blue eyes that change color depending upon the oxygen concentration of my blood.
3. How often do you play sports?
    Around 5 times a week, though it is always a solo pursuit - walking the path at the school or working out in my home gym. 
    Under the right circumstances and with the right partner, though, I would happily play tennis daily for the rest of my life. I also like going to the range (though I have not been in an age, so that skill may have abandoned me).
4. Are you usually early or late?
    Early if anyone else is involved, and on time to late if it's only me. One of my old friends made it abundantly clear how rude it is to be consistently late when others are waiting.
5. What quirks do you have?
    Others apparently think I am finicky about everything being in its proper place, a notion that I find ludicrous. (That is a cataloger trait, not a 'me' thing.)
    I almost never finish a drink when eating in a restaurant. I like to buy my pants a little bit too long, and then complain when they drag on the ground. And my favorite color of ink pen is brown.
Chicken, mashed potatoes & peas
Chicken, mashed potatoes & peas
6. How often do you people watch?
    As often as I can. Mutual people-watching is one of the best ways to get to know someone; my former spouse and I used it as a mating ritual when we were first dating, sitting in unobtrusive spots on campus and making up stories about our fellow students. People-watching is a great thing about airports, and traveling generally.
7. What's your favorite drink?
    If all else were equal, I would love to choose something fizzy and/or alcoholic. Realistically, though, I have a Coke maybe once in two or three weeks, and a beer or mixed drink once in six. Tea and water is about it for me.
8. What do you hope never changes?
    How amazingly delicious bacon tastes when it has been a while since I had it.
9. What's your dream car?
    I am really not a "dream car" person. If I won the lottery, I could spend a bundle on something fun - probably a Jaguar? - but there are loads of things I would rather have than that. 
pork chop, rice, carrots & oranges
pork chop, rice, carrots & oranges
10. Where would you rather be from?
    What a strange question. There is no place where I would rather have been raised than my hometown.
11. What songs have you completely memorized?
    Far too many to count. As I have said many times, though, my ability to remember lyrics is not matched by skill in singing. And I have recently been reminded that singing "is not one of my strengths."
    I can share the dumbest song that I have completely memorized, that I wish would just leave my damned brain already: "Juan Paco Pedro de la Mar," which is the Spanish version of "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt." Pretty sure there was some bit of knowledge in law school that would have been more enlightening than that shit, but it couldn't take root because the space was already filled with Da-Da-Da...
12. What would you rate 10/10?
    The intangibles from the film In America. Sleeping until 10:AM when you cannot typically make it past 7:00. Dinner at the Gandy Dancer in A2.
13. What job would you be terrible at?
    Anything involving being nice to people that I do not like.
14. What are you absolutely determined to do?
    Use my passport. Pay off a loan (or two). Take some truly good photographs. Be worthy.
15. What skill would you like to master?
    Rice Krispie bar construction
hamburger gravy & mashed potatoes
hamburger gravy & mashed potatoes
16. What website do you visit most often?
    Besides the obvious - Tumblr, maybe?
17. What would your perfect room look like?
    I have been daydreaming lately about a bathroom with a big sunken tub for soaking.
18. What movie title best describes your life?
    To Have and Have Not
19. What age do you want to live to?
    I think that the beauty is, you do not get (or have) to choose.
20. What kind of art do you enjoy most?
    What kind of visual art? Black and white photography. 
21. What takes up too much of your time?
22. What do you wish you knew more about?
    Any of the many interesting alternative careers that have presented themselves lately. My dilettante background is not serving me well lately.
23. What's the best way to start the day?
    With a text message that says "Good morning, sunshine!" (or something along that line)
Canadian bacon thin crust pizza
Canadian bacon thin crust pizza
24. What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
    Will the 3rd book in Rothfuss' trilogy ever be published Goddamnit?!
25. How different was your life one year ago?
    In superficial ways, it was very much the same. 
    In ways that matter--things are going easier. Some hard truths have been told, which helps. I have accepted some things at work that I was resisting before. I am sleeping better, though exercising far less. 
    I think I am better at what I want to be good at, now.
26. What's the best single day on the calendar?
    meh. Whatever.
27. What are some things you've had to unlearn?
    How to sacrifice absolutely everything for another person - which helps no one.
    How to be a manager, since I am not.
    How to take myself so seriously. 

[excerpted from here; the title quotation is by William Shakespeare, from Much Ado about Nothing. The photos are some recent meals, which in retrospect appear incredibly carb-heavy. Huh! Maybe that's where those pesky last 15 pounds are hiding grrrrrr...]

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