
one mustn't refuse the unusual, if it is offered to one

from "351 good questions to ask"

1. What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
I have been contemplating this question for a while and cannot come up with any weird combos. There are plenty of weird foods that I like on their own, but in "normal" dishes. On the list of the 21 Most Hated Foods in the World, I actually like 8, which is pretty good considering my finicky past.
2. What social stigma does society need to get over?
sexuality. It has absolutely zero bearing on anyone else's life to whom someone is attracted. Unless it is a person (or a thing) that cannot consent, your partner(s) are of no interest to me whatsoever.
    For that matter, neither is what you have under the hood - so people who have fits about gender differences and "appropriateness" are focused on the wrong stuff entirely.
3. What food have you never eaten but would really like to try?
I have only had Moroccan once and it was at a time in my life (and in company) where I did not feel comfortable really giving it a fair shake. I want to try it again.
4. What's something you really resent paying for?
my annual law license really grinds my gears. I am essentially paying to do nothing. There are plenty of people who get paid for that, instead. Craziness.
5. What would a world populated by clones of you be like?
surprisingly varied
6. Do you think that aliens exist?
Uhm, no.
Are you kidding me?!
7. What are you currently worried about?
8. Where are some unusual places you've been?
a Chinese restaurant in Tupelo, Mississippi. A museum devoted to modernity in Miami Beach, Florida. A dime-store in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Most of the used clothing stores in the greater Dallas, Texas area. A meat restaurant in Lawrence, Kansas. A presidential museum in Eureka, Illinois. A dive bar at the corner of Lake & Union in Chicago that served breakfast & appetizers all day and had super cheap drinks. (I could keep going for hours.)
9. Where do you get your news?
here and there. I subscribe to a daily newsletter. The free local is delivered once a week. I pay attention to the (online) financial news pretty much all day because of work. Several of my friends are much more politically-minded than I am, so they keep me up to date (whether I like it or not).
10. What are some red flags to watch out for in daily life?
there are predators everywhere. If you are at all likely prey, then you must be vigilant.
11. What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
there are so many of them. It has been too long since I have seen Strictly Ballroom, The Professional, or Top Secret!
12. When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
honey, I am old. I try to tell only the good stories from my youth (not the truly scary ones).
13. If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movies?
Mary Poppins in There's Something About Mary
14. What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?
an alarm clock
15. When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?
pretty much anything I have ever dreaded ahead of time has not been as bad as I feared. (This is in the realm of work or school, of course, not personally.)
16. How would your country change if everyone, regardless of age, could vote?
what a disaster that would be. For voting to have any meaning, it requires something to lose - financially, emotionally, practically. To have those things, one generally must be an adult.
17. What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
18. If your job gave you a surprise three day paid break to rest and recuperate, what would you do with those three days?
this is sad to admit, but I would use those three days to look (even harder) for a different job. I have been searching for a long time, off and on. Sometimes it seems like that takes up most of my mental energy. I have put out dozens, perhaps hundreds, of applications and resumes. There have been a few interviews here and there, and even fewer common-courtesy messages to say that the position has been filled. Our civility, as a country and in the world, could use a recharge. And I could really use a new career.
19. What's wrong but sounds right?
butter on a ham sandwich
20. What's the most epic way you've seen someone quit or be fired?
I have seen some doozies. A friend at the library pulled off her lanyard and chucked it at the boss. My first boss there was handed a box and told to clear out her things, and then watched while she did it. Another coworker there was fired after throwing scissors at other staff. Someone at the grocery store quit over the loudspeaker. (That has probably happened more times than not, there.) At my best job, my manager's boss told me that she was going to fire him when he returned from a trip (not for cause), and warned me not to tell him. It was clearly a test of loyalty, but I knew where mine lay. I called him as soon as he was home, so he would be prepared.
21. If you couldn't be convicted of any one type of crime, what criminal charge would you like to be immune to?
this is one of those "seven deadly sins" tests, is it not? Mark me down for greed, because I would go for the money somehow. If I had a whole lot more money, a great many of my problems would disappear.
22. What's something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?
not quite comfortable lingerie
23. What actors or actresses play the same character in almost every movie or show they do?
Cary Grant, Drew Barrymore, Keanu Reeves, Helen Hunt, Will Farrell...
24. In the past people were buried with the items they would need in the afterlife. What would you want to be buried with so you could use it in the afterlife?
if I were going to be buried, it might be handy to have a good pen and a lot of paper - but I intend upon being made into a paperweight (like these or these or these), so it is not going to be an issue
25. What's the best/worst practical joke that you've played on someone or that was played on you?
I do not like practical jokes. They are often mean-spirited at some level, and I hate that feeling of (anyone) being made to feel foolish, or slow, or vulnerable.
When I worked at the grocery store, one of my coworkers was a girl who also worked at my job at school. She was a couple of years older than me, and happens to be the first person I got drunk with. She had a massive crush on one of my friends, a guy with whom I would later share an apartment in our junior year. Anytime she could get away with it, she would do something incredibly outlandish to get his attention. He drove a flashy sports car, which was his prized possession. Before his birthday, she "borrowed" his key-ring while he was at work (meaning, took it from his coat pocket), and got a copy made of his car key. (Maybe the others, too, for all I know.) Then, on his birthday, while he was working, she went out and bought an enormous number of helium balloons to stuff into the car. It apparently takes significantly more of them than one might expect. It took forever and cost a mint. I was within visual range when he got to the car and saw what she had done (including taping something to the outside of the car - streamers and a card?). He was LIVID. He had to pull enough balloons out of the car and get rid of them before he could get away from work, where he'd been for 9+ hours). That likewise took forever. He was ... not pleased.
I try to remember that one when I start thinking that something will be funny. In my eyes, maybe.
26. Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?
27. Where do you get most of the decorations for your home?
I have been streamlining the "things" in the house. Decorations just for the sake of sitting someplace and looking nice have generally gone out the door. I have plants. I have a few dear gifts. There are loads of photographs (mine, and friends', and a few that I have bought along the way) and several prints. What I have now is good.

[from here; the title quotation is by Agatha Christie, from Passenger to Frankfurt]

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