
don't raise your voice — improve your argument

1. What makes it easy to talk to someone?  for me, it's liking some of the same things, knowing lots of different things, having a similar sense of humor, not taking yourself too seriously, being willing to debate pointlessly, silliness, openness to philosophizing now and then (or at least allowing me my wanderings), and accepting some disagreement

2. Have you ever had a great conversation with a complete stranger?  yes

3. Do you like to argue?  oh, ever so much! I do not set out to argue, generally. Some things are just worthy of it. Certain subjects bring out the vehement in me. 

4. Some people like to talk about things, and some people like to do things. Which are you?  I like to talk while other people do things. I am "an ideas person."

5. Who is easier to talk to, men or women?  it depends what needs to be discussed, and the identity of the particular men or women. Overall I have an easier time talking with women about feelings and men about everyday sorts of things - the here and now. Specifically, though, there are many variances on those rules.

6. What is your favorite place?  the last couple of years in the flatland, I lived with a friend and her husband. I was going to "stay with them" for a few months while I job-searched. That ended up taking way longer than expected. They were totally cool with it, literally treating me like family from the first. I find myself going back there in my mind. There were late-night talks. There were early weekend mornings when I would try to time baking the scones so that when my friends were ready for breakfast there would be hot foot on the table. There would be take-out pizza nights. There would also be regular days, regular meals, laundry, housework, and three adults (and 2 personality-filled cats) being roommates in a small space. I miss them all terribly.

View from the fireplace room
7. What is your favorite place in your home?  the fireplace room. It is not exactly the way that I wish it could be, but it is where I go while craving peace and quiet.

8. Would you most want to live in a city, a suburb, or the country?  I grew up in the country, moved to the city, and now live in a suburb (of sorts). Absolutely no desire to move any closer to "the city," that's for sure. 

9. What is special about the town you live in?  this town is special like the kid who keeps falling off the monkey bars on the playground, but gets back up to swing a few more times. Dusty, a little ragged and bloody, not the smartest, but scrappy and resilient.

10. How much time do you spend in nature?  what is this "nature" of which you ask?? I am the reigning queen of sunburn, bug bites, and being (emotionally) tackled by things that are oogy—all of which I try to avoid.

11. Do you make up a dinner plan for the coming week?  ugh, no. That is far more rigid and non-spontaneous than my wing-it mind prefers!

12. Do you make up a grocery shopping list and stick to it when shopping?  for the last few months, I've been ordering groceries online for pickup. I stick things in a list online and order as needed. Fairly often I'll add something to the list because I'm hungry, and then go back and take it out when actually placing the order!

13. What is one thing that you always buy, but never write down on a list?  cereal

14. Is there anything that you always think you are out of and come home with, only to discover that you already have it on hand?  pasta or pizza crusts

15. Do you get your groceries delivered?  see #12, above. I've been considering enrolling in home delivery, which is one annual fee for as many deliveries as you like (including prescriptions). It would be convenient but I would probably buy things that I didn't really need in order for it to "pay off," and feel a little pretentious in the process. It would also contribute to my hermit-like nature. 

[adapted from here; the title quotation is by Desmond Tutu, from an address at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Houghton, Johannesburg, South Africa {23rd November 2004}]

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