
I want to be some woman's work boots, not her high heels...the ones she relies on and trusts and lives her life hard and good and on her terms in

 from 200 Questions to Ask a Girl

159. What's going to be the next retro thing that comes back into popularity?  taking a relationship slowly, to maybe get it right

161. If you could know one truth about yourself, history, the world, or even the universe, what truth would you want to know?  the cure for cancer

162. What would you do if you fell deeply in love with someone online, only to discover that they are actually a government-created AI that escaped and now "lives" online?  faulty first premise

164. What can you talk about all day?  it depends who I'm with. There are a couple of people with whom I could talk until the cows come home (literally). Others are doing well if they can pry a word out of me once a quarter.

165. What's weird about you?  I tell the truth about my feelings, relentlessly 

Joan Oloff Deborah black lux napa

166. What are you hyped about?  wearing 3" heels

167. What was the most disappointing ending to a great book/movie?  Up in the Air (reviewed here)

168. Who is the luckiest person you know?  a friend from high school, someone with whom I've gone on a handful of dates over the years and also share a birthday, is both lucky and blessed. He has been protected from numerous dangerous situations, regardless of his failure or unwillingness to heed simple warnings.... We are getting too old to be taking such chances.

169. What's the biggest thing your textbooks got wrong or omitted?  the word 'bastard' typically gets left out of the description of Swiss neutrality in World War II

170. What's your favorite souvenir?  a movie ticket

171. What piece of clothing have you seen that you desperately wanted?  any one of a number of long velvet dresses. In all likelihood they would make me look shorter, and various perceived flaws in my figure would be accentuated, but it's hard to release an ideal like that.

172. What's your best ethically gray life hack?  when you have the chance, make friends with people from all different lines of work and backgrounds and political affiliations. You never know when you might need a lawyer, a priest, a cop, or a guy who knows a guy.

173. What's your reason for getting out of bed in the morning?  it's a vicious cycle: I like sleep. I sleep in my bed, in my house. I owe the bank for my house. I work so I can pay the bank. I get out of bed so I can work. Thus, in essence, I get out of bed because I like sleep.

174. What would you do if someone left a duffle bag filled with $2,000,000 on your back porch?  I'd start by going to a number of laundromats.... 

Warning sign175. If everything in your house had to be one color, what color would you choose?  when I moved into my house, every room was the same shade of "builder white." Over the last couple of years, it's been transformed into an array of colors - a light gray, a raspberry and cream, a deep sage, a chocolate cream, a medium and dark gray, three shades of blue, and a pale sea.

178. What would your warning label say, if every person was required to have one?  "Don't Fucking Pick On Me"

[from here; the title quotation is by Erin McCarthy, from Hard and Fast]

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