127. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would it be? slightly beat up straight-leg Silver jeans, a worn men's white Oxford shirt (brand inconsequential), a not-quite form-fitting white ribbed undershirt (of relatively good quality), lingerie by Cuup, and sandals (or boots) by Børn. Maybe a red cashmere cardigan.
But I would be sad if I could never wear skirts!
129. What would be the cutest infestation to have in your home? potty-trained kittens
130. What was the latest disaster you prevented? I snatched a rotting banana out of a house where I was watering the plants. I could smell it when I entered the dwelling and am pretty certain that it would have turned into a bug fiesta.131. What shouldn't have happened but happened anyway? "influencer" became a (relatively) viable alternative to "decent human being"
133. Besides a raise or more vacation time, what's the best perk a company can offer employees? a generous and comprehensible regular bonus plan
134. Where do you like going for walks? besides the usual, there is a river about 40 miles from here that is wonderful for walks - and pictures
136. What's the most rage-inducing thing you've had to make or put together? the construction of a tall black bookcase from the furniture store that was next to the test prep place in A2 resulted in several (minor) injuries and one of the biggest and ugliest arguments of my entire relationship with the person who "was in charge" of the process
137. What movie have you seen more than seven times? Manhunter, Top Secret!, or Tequila Sunrise
140. What skill do you wish more people took the time to learn? juggling
143. What complex fictional character really intrigues you? Eleanor, from Rainbow Rowell's novel Eleanor & Park. She is awkward, shy, fierce, funny, depressed, loyal, and exceedingly loving. I would be glad to know what happened to her after that book ended.
144. What personality traits are people proud of but shouldn't be? agreeableness, practicality, sociability
145. Most people want to be wealthy for one reason or another. Why do you want to be wealthy? What would be the biggest benefit of being wealthy? it would remove (or simplify) at least one element from a complex equation that is part essay question, part math problem.
146. What type of design style do you like most? From architecture, interior design, art, cars, phones or whatever. Danish modern
148. What is romanticized in modern culture but should not be? dumbassery, thoughtlessness, and carrying gallon jugs of water as if they are required personal hydration devices
149. What's the worst book you've been forced to read in school? A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf. I didn't get it, and it seemed so obnoxious and self-serving.
Took me 20 years to realize what it was all about and why it is pretty
fucking genius and necessary.
150. What always lets you down and what never lets you down? always: bargain-brand soup. never: expensive stationery
153. If you could look through one person's email without them knowing, whose email would you spy on? never. I would never do this. Not to anyone. I would not want to know.
154. When was the last/best time that someone said something they thought you couldn't hear or understand but you could? first year of college, when I was just nearly passed out drunk, my best guy friend admitted—very quietly, almost under his breath—that he loved me "enough to marry me"
158. What movie did you start watching expecting it to be horrible but it was actually pretty good? American Pie
[from here; the title quotation is from Jane Grigson]
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