
you have been described as elegant in your time and it is long the road to go

It is a miracle 
that I should speak 
to delight you. 
I feel like a flag 
more or less 
but music is my breeze 
I have many friends 
rest assured. 
You have given me 
my water 
and for this I must 
thank you. You have 
been described 
as elegant in your time 
and it is long 
the road to go 
I am honored to accompany 
you. A picture 
is simply what I am 
and old crease 
a perfect book 
you will miss me 
in your sterile anticipation 
of something to hang 
this picture on. I come 
& go. An edible saint. 
But if you feast 
on me you will be hungry. 
I know your intelligence 
carnal somehow 
and I began to speak 
when you began to want 
me. Please don’t interrupt 
I cross my legs 
I flood the darkened 
rooms of art 

for a while. 
And frankly that moment 
is gone. 
We could only talk through 
our eyes and now 
that is gone. But this 
is deeper than 
the marrow 
we don’t need rods    cones 
those sanskrit piles of things 
I am seeing through a stain 
right now 
in your love 
I am swimming for years. 
In a sudden absence 
of trouble in a deftly 
handled conversation 
I, a luminous fish 
felt in this spectacle of impossibility 
a fragrant graze upon the 
an intermittent twitch, 

whisper. If I had hands 
I would touch everyone 
I vanish in the green 
of the background 
that goes on and on 
made by those who recognize 
it that way 
there is always something better 
to do 
I live in a terminal 
and so do you 
listen we are trying to end everything 
by this enormous silence 
but it was the old thing 
so it shall be very loud 
very loutish in the squabbles we 
have about right & wrong 
& where the flagpole is and 
do we ever 
will we ever have enough 
space to play the game 
I am deeply knowing you 
and feel you have chosen 
me for this conversation 
before it’s cooked 
before anything is prepared 
anything at all 
the lesser details never mind 
the first exquisite choice 
that brought me into being 
this conversation 
a fishy birth 
I’ve had you in my pocket 
it’s all that I know 
but a knowing that is useless 
without this acknowledgement 
in a many chambered room 
is that what you said 
enormous darkly I accept it 
I flow around and fold 
into everything your comic 
desultory contempt 
which I’m beginning to see 
functions as glue 
for you 
the prettiness for me is 
the opening city 
and moving through it with you 
the young old fold 
around your mouth 
trust that 
I am gold in the reconciliation 
gold in the anticipation 
paradise great ambiance 
what’s available 
is not of any use to 
what is me today 
a stoic longing symbol of 
studying peace 
in outlandish quarters 
your long room in the night 
your whole long body 
which is faceless too 
to acquire your trust is of 
utmost importance to me 
I am foolish I talking fish 
the time is here for me 
to make promises to 
you that is sometimes standing 
in a bakery 
laughing becomes a professional 
wife with empty folders 
and I see the muscle 
embedded the one 
that can’t be removed 
in the beloved text that is 
a torso sized drink to me 
each time I break the surface 
turn around 
bubbles cascading from 
the incommensurate 
path of my tale, tentacle 
you make me enough 
so I hold a cup 
gasping with laughter 
in the teeshirts covered with 
arcane scribbles 
carry the message 
awkward grins and phones to 
their ears 
yours are wired to everything 
there is 
you’re an impossible telephone 
I lift my head for the 
last sip of your 
a lamb leaps over the fins 
the arms I would 
have we would hold 
each other in 
I am waiting. No difficulty 
with gold. As I told 
your mother I have 
obtained access 
to an uncontrolled intimacy 
fear not 
certainly I did not phrase it 
that like 
but I met her in 
the most advanced 
communication terrain 
and exchanged 
messages concerning our 
difficulties with god 
and man 
I am beginning to know 
I am gold a transforming 
the clipped end of an 
utterance I was saving 
for you when I saw your 
swinging light 
the door approach 
and everything moves 

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