
you never can tell what's magic

 from 200 questions to ask a girl

181. What's the best decision you ever made?  taking an insultingly shitty job with a 40% pay cut, just to get my foot in the door

184. What's something that only someone from where you grew up would understand?  that "K-" means it's this side and "W-" means it's that side. The boat [didn't] float. And the Ferris Alexander saga!

187. What's the best ice cream topping?  hot fudge from Ollie's Frozen Custard in S-town

188. What makes someone a "good person"?  loyalty, discernment, and generosity (not necessarily with 'things')

189. What's the dumbest thing you've done in the last 24 hours?  I sold my reclining weight bench for less than it was worth because I feel truly sorry for the kid who was buying it; his dad is henpecked and patently lonesome and seems to NEVER stop talking

190. When was an occasion when you did a double-take?  riding on the interstate between the metro and A2, we were stuck in some bumper-to-bumper traffic. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash red car. Turning fully toward it, I realized that I recognized the driver: he graduated from the same high school as I did, just a year before.

191. Have you ever worked retail?  marginally, yeah. I was never a sales clerk and a waitress for only 4 shifts, so it barely counts.

192. What would the trailer to a movie about your life be like?  quirky, dark, and really sexy 

Simpsons cat lady
193. What kind of old person would you like to become?  grumpy, telling stories full of tangents, maybe throwing cats at people

194. What's the closest thing to magic that exists?  kissing

195. What do couples do that seriously annoys you?  post the same damn thing over and over to social media—first time funny/sweet/whatever, third time not

196. If you could custom-design an organ for yourself, what would it do and where would it go?  it would be an internal, supplemental HVAC unit, designed to warm my feet back to body temp while cooling the rest of me (especially my face) back to the normal human range

197. If you had to choose your spouse based on just one question, what question would you ask?  "What is your stance on Swiss neutrality in the Second World War?"

198. If money wasn't an issue, for what company would you like to work?  OPI: I would love to create the names for nail polish colors!

199. What's the most polarizing question you could ask a group of your friends?  anything about politics or mask-wearing sets people into an unending tizzy

200. Who out of everyone still alive would you most want to share a meal with?  Mr. Sophisticated McFancy Pants

[from here; the title quotation is by Noel Streatfeild, from Ballet Shoes]

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