
I am a little world made cunningly

  from 351 good questions to ask

317. What nicknames do you have for people in your life?  I assign nicknames to people when I write about them on the blog, which sometimes change over time. This must be terribly confusing, huh. My extended family members' nicknames often involve their relation to me (Uncle David, Grandma Mary). The person with whom I talk most is resistant to nicknames; initials or one specific 3-letter word usually do the trick.

318. What does the opposite sex do that you wish you could do, but it's not anatomically feasible or it is socially frowned upon?  pee without significant clothing removal

319. How much do you plan and prepare for the future?  only as much as I can stand

320. What do you dislike and like most about your car?  like: fun to drive   dislike: heat and A/C are hard to get right, and the "infotainment" system is kinda wonky

Yes, that is 3x+ my car's current value
323. How much do you think names affect the outcome of peoples' lives?  they can if we let them. I have always thought that my name lacked 'gravitas'.

324. What product or service is way more expensive than it needs to be?  handbags. They are either cheap and useless or prohibitively expensive!

325. What's the shadiest thing you have seen someone do?  a dear friend's former spouse chose an impossibly mercenary time to end their marriage. Not that there is a "good" or "fair" time to do it, but this was just spectacularly greedy and reprehensible.

326. What is the last situation where some weird stuff went down and everyone else acted like it was normal, and you weren't sure if you were crazy or everyone around you was crazy?  I sort of feel that way about this virus stuff. Everyone I talk to has such extreme views about what everyone else ought to be doing and how they ought to be feeling about it. While I can certainly appreciate public health concerns, I also appreciate being treated as a sentient human being. There is one person who feels remotely close to where I am on the topic, and I've been glad for that dose of "normal" in what seems like a sea of all sorts of crazy.

currently reading...
327. What did you eat so much of that you now don't like it?  chicken corn chowder

329. Where's the line between soup and cereal?  uhm, one is dry and one is wet?

330. What word do you always mispronounce?  drastically, or dramatically

331. What do you think you do better than some other people?  read a number of books at the same time

[from here; the title quotation is by John Donne]

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