
I long for the luxury of being impractical

 from Fun Questions to Ask a Girl

1. What is the silliest recent fashion trend?  "cold shoulder" shirts are almost never a good look
2. What technology from science fiction do you wish existed?  transporters, dangerous though that might be
3. What is the dumbest chorus from a recent song?  it's not a recent song by any means, but this is right up there. ["Mmm Bop" by Hanson]
4. After you survive the apocalypse, what will your job be?  chronicler
5. What job would you be absolutely terrible at?  cheerleading coach
6. What would your perfect Saturday be like?  sleeping in, watching golf, drinking tea, working on projects, reading, napping, eating salad with loads of bacon...
7. What mildly annoying curse do you wish you could curse people with?  an itch they cannot reach that will not easily be cured
8. How much would you pay a hacker threatening to release your browsing history to your friends and family?  more than I have. This is why I regularly back up my phone and computer on external drives (maintained offsite) and wipe the evidence
9. If your life had a mascot, what would the mascot be?  a slightly husky cat
10. What easy thing do you most often screw up?  I am not the best at making rice
12. If you could choose one celebrity to instantly disappear from the spotlight, which would you choose and why?  anyone who has had their own reality show
13. If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands or claws, what would you put at the ends of your arms?  a spork and a taser
14. What's something that people think makes them look cool but actually has the opposite effect?  vaping
15. What futuristic thing do you wish clothing or accessories could do?  burn calories
16. If you could level up humans as a species, what stat or ability would you increase?  shyness
17. Which movie sequel do you wish you could erase from history?  the Christmas Shrek kinda pushed my boundaries of "necessary filmmaking"
18. If you suddenly found out that your internal monologue for the last week was actually audible, how screwed would you be?  infinitely! 
19. What is the funniest doomsday device a super villain could threaten the world with?  a fumble gun
20. What's the silliest invention you have heard of?  in-home chocolate fountains
21. What would your perfect vacation entail?  lots of reading, extra sleeping, seeing some sights, a surprising diner or deli, judicious amounts of alcohol, massage, at least one outstandingly good meal, trying something new, playing some games, laughing, thinking, browsing a bookstore, getting some exercise, picking up a souvenir, and checking out from the regular world

[from here; the title quotation is by Neal Shusterman, from The Toll]

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