
it was something like stirring concrete with my eyelashes

  from 351 good questions to ask

LB304. If you were in charge of renaming things so that their names would be more accurate, what names would you come up with?  ladybug = little bastard   sex = body trap   math = Mental Agony Torture Habit

305. What's better broken than whole?  crunchy taco shells

306. What values are most important to you?  loyalty, good humor, open-mindedness, consistency, honesty, cleverness, adventure, fitness, courage, passion...

307. What's the best sandwich you have ever had?  grilled burgers

308. What's the worst thing you ate from a fast food restaurant?  Arby's roast beef is slimy

310. What job/profession doesn't get enough credit or respect?  bank teller

311. What memory of yours feels real but is most likely false?  the last time I was really, really sick from drinking

312. What's your '...and then it got worse' story?  pushing through finals as a 3L. Guess what happens right after that? Yup, that's when it gets worse: just try and dig through your memories to recall EVERYthing from the past three years, in order to puke it out over the course of (theoretically) the most important two days of your life.

314. What's the most annoying thing about the social media platform you use most often?  limited ability to format posts

315. If you were hired to show tourists what life is really like where you live, what would you show them and have them do?  I would take them to the river.  For me, that is what this place is about. 

[from here; the title quotation is by Scott Turow, from One L: The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School]

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