
never had you such power over me as now

Let me be in your service 
like the others 
mumbling predictions, 
mouth dry with jealousy. 
Parched tongue 
thirsting, not even for the word— 
for me the dry air is empty 
again without you. 

I’m not jealous any more 
but I want you. 
I carry myself like a victim 
to the hangman. 
I will not call you 
either joy or love. 
All my own blood is gone. 
Something strange paces there now. 

Another moment 
and I will tell you: 
it's not joy but torture 
you give me. 
I'm drawn to you 
as to a crime— 
to your ragged mouth, 
to the soft bitten cherry. 

Come back to me, 
I'm frightened without you. 
Never had you such power 
over me as now. 
Everything I desire 
appears to me. 
I'm not jealous any more. 
I'm calling you. 

[Osip Mandelstam {1891-1938} from 'Stone: 122' {trans. by Clarence Brown and W.S. Merwin}, from Selected Poems]

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