
there is no doubt in my mind that that feral giraffes and feral hippos have been living in Tokyo for generations without seeing a soul

  from 351 good questions to ask

332. What would be the worst food to be liquified and taken in through a straw?  bacon cheeseburgers

333. What's the weirdest thing about modern life that people just accept as normal?  I don't consider myself "old"--which is in itself a point of contention and might be weird--but I find it strange that there is at least one generation that seems incapable of reading or writing in cursive. They cannot sign their own name. There are still businesses that do not accept credit cards. There are transactions for which a check is the only reasonable method of payment. How do these people transact business? How can they endorse a check, for that matter? How could they become party to a contract? Are we back to the era of "make your mark" being an expected, necessary realistic idea? It is relatively unthinkable, disconcerting, and mortifying to me.

334. How much of your body would you cybernetically enhance if you could?  about a third. I'm not shy about the desire to upgrade.

335. If you wanted to slowly drive a roommate insane using only notes, what would you write and where would you leave the notes?  already did it

336. If you had a giraffe that you needed to hide, where would you put it?  in my parents' basement, with all their stockpiles of God-only-knows-what

337. What's the clumsiest thing you've done? set a stack of books next to my (home) desk, typed for a while, then got up to leave the room and - forgetting that the books were there - tripped over the stack and broke a toe.

    I've done it TWICE. Two different times! Breaking the same toe!

339. Think of a (real) brand and create an honest slogan for it: "Peanut M&Ms—now infused with real crack so they're even more addictive!"

340. What's something common from your childhood that will seem strange to future generations?  birthday parties at roller rinks with pizza & ice cream buffets afterward

341. What's the most amazing place in nature you've been?  the driving trip between Albuquerque and Santa Fe was extraordinary

342. What's quickly becoming obsolete?  casual sex

343. Where is the most uncomfortable place you have ever slept?  in the back seat of my friend Rita's wood-paneled station wagon after a wedding in Cresco, Iowa. I was drunk as Hell when I finally passed out. Waking up in bright sunlight, in a car, parked on a residential street that I did not recognize, desperately needing to pee and seriously considering vomiting...it was uncomfortable, to say the least.

344. What's the most annoying animal you have ever encountered?  a friend's cat, named Catbird. He was a violent, horrid beast. 

345. What's your best example of correlation not equaling causation?  given something I wrote about above, it could not possibly get better than this--which is part of the best website I've found in a while

Chicago346. In what situations do you wish you could throw down a smoke bomb and disappear?  monthly department meetings

347. When was the last time you were hopelessly lost?  Chicago in 2005, because "the map of the city of Chicago is bigger than the city of Seattle" (1/6 of it is pictured here)

349. For what product do you wish a company would make a "smart" version?  there are too many "smart" things in the world. I would be glad of hearing there would be fewer of them.

351. What are some of your Pavlovian responses?  drink, gaming, staying up late, cursing, kissing, eye-rolling, and driving fast

[from here; the title quotation is by Yann Martel, from Life of Pi]

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