
it is a mistake to try to look too far ahead. The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time

I am...

Reading: Murder on Cold Street by Sherry Thomas, 5th in the "Lady Sherlock" series
Listening: to the Black Snake Moan soundtrack - the first music from a motion picture that I've acquired immediately after watching a movie since Singles. In particular, the song Stack-o-Lee (NSFW).
Loving: solitude, and the opportunity to think some things over
Thinking: CBD bubble bath would be f'ing wonderful
Feeling: bone-tired; I haven't been awake 'til 5:30 AM since college
Celebrating: successful completion of my first (and last) 10k
• Grateful for: openness and generosity
Weather: 45º, WNW wind 17mph (gusts expected to 45 mph overnight), feels like 38º
• Enjoying: no longer having a searing hangover
A quote I want to share: "There is a strong shadow where there is much light."—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, from Götz von Berlichingen

[the title quotation is by Sir Winston Churchill]

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