
I am drunk, seest thou? When I am not drunk I do not talk

from Questions About Today (Thur. 1/28) 
Are you having a good day? Why or why not?
   sure—I'm drunk
List five good things that have happened today:
    1. sweet tea vodka+lemonade
    2. I had the following thought when looking out the window: "I want to be a rabbit when I grow up"
    3. cute selfie from a friend
    4. picked up a heap of library books from curbside pickup at the library
    5. took delivery of a new pair of running tights
List two bad things that have happened today. 
    1. cut my knee shaving
    2. work
Did you learn anything yesterday? Whether it be knowledge, or wisdom.
  Good gravy, yes. I was seen at the Headache Clinic yesterday. I learned more about calcitonin-gene related peptide antagonists than I'd ever intended to know.
Have you applied what you learned yesterday to today?
  not applicable—but if my insurance decides I'm worth keeping alive then it'll happen someday soon!
Are you looking forward to tomorrow?
How is the weather looking today?
   it was cold as a... cold day in the middle of winter, and sunny. That doesn't bode well for cold, around here. But it could have been worse, of course.
How are you feeling?
  drunk, a little sleepy, and pessimistic
Do you think the weather affects your mood?
What have you eaten today?
   breakfast (Cheerios), a few snacks, ham in a tortilla for lunch, chicken and rice for dinner, and some pretzels with the booze
How many cups of water have you drunk?
   5 bottles - how much is that?
List two good things about yourself.  
    1. I'm trying.
    2. my right eye is an interesting color

 [from here; the title quotation is by Ernest Hemingway, from For Whom the Bell Tolls]

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