
boys, at war, so far away, will naturally droop, both in body and mind, from lack of a particular girl’s snuggling and cuddling

1. What is your favorite music?  I've been on a late 80s-early 90s kick lately, rehashing the old HS and early college playlists, like "So Alive" by Love and Rockets
2. If you could go on a trip right now, where would you go?  up north
3. What’s your passion?  passion.
6. Do you have any pets?  no, but I have access to others'
8. What is the one thing that you want to accomplish in your life?  ease
10. What’s your favorite food of all time?  wild boar ravioli
11. Are you into sports— if so, what kind?  I'd love to watch some golf. It's been too long.
12. What do you like to do on the weekends?  sleep, read, snuggle, cuddle, play, eat, watch, nap
14. What is your favorite movie of all time?  Strictly Ballroom is the one that comes to mind at the moment (besides the usuals)
jigsaw action
16. What’s your family like?  readers, fans of homemade bread and music and jigsaw puzzles, and (with one obvious exception) humble
19. What is something that you are terrible at?  darts
22. Do you have a hidden talent?  yes.
23. Do you like to work out?  now and then, it is exhilarating. For the most part, it is a chore that I dread, suffer, and am glad to be done with
25. What’s your favorite thing to do to stay active?  racing thoughts
2. What is the best gift you have ever gotten?  a box of bacon.
3. Who has been one of the most influential people in your life?  Andrew
4. What is on your bucket list?  3 more tattoos
5. Do you believe in aliens?  like, people from different countries?
7. What’s something that surprises people about you?  I giggle - and I swear far more than expected
8. Are you a fan of any professional sports teams?  Steelers, Cubs, Blues
11. What is your biggest pet peeve?  rubber bands
15. What is your greatest strength?  tenacity
16. What’s the last book you read?  Michael Miller's The First Thing Mastered
17. How did you meet your best friend?  on a work tour
19. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?  home, ver. SW
22. What is something that you are financially saving up for?  a daith piercing
23. If you had to cook dinner, what’s your go-to dish?  lasagna, or Chicken Fricassee, or hamburger gravy & mashed potatoes...
24. What is in your fridge at this exact moment?  about 20 different beverages, a pound of bacon, half pound of Canadian bacon, 8 (?) eggs, some mozzarella cheese, a skanky orange, 7 Golden Delicious apples, half a lemon, 5 cartons of mango Greek yogurt, and a serving of homemade pasta sauce with green peppers, beef, and Italian sausage.
25. Is there something you wish you could change about yourself?  my square little chin
[from here; the title quotation is by Ernest Vincent Wright, from Gadsby]

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