
good judgment is once again proving to me That it's still worth its weight in gold

How do you feel about beards?  it is not an automatic turn-on, but on the right person I like one quite a bit
What is some of your favorite music?  lately, "Blood on the Ground" by Incubus has been my infinite repeat
List your three favorite scents:  vanilla, lemon, and clean cotton
How do you ground yourself or recharge?  time alone
Any ways you treat or spoil yourself?  right at this very moment, I'm quite enjoying a dish of M&Ms and salted cashews, watching an old, romantic movie, and sitting next to my second-favorite guy
Besides your blog, do you have a creative past-time?  several! I take pictures, write in various forums, decorate, bake...
Share something difficult you've been through.  I was once in a car that, due to traffic, was forced to run over a hay bale wrapped with wire (or whatever they are wrapped with that is sharp metal) that had fallen off a trailer in front of us. One of our tires immediately blew. We limped off at the next exit, which was thankfully near. We were towed from the gas station at that exit to the nearest tire place, which replaced the tire at a premium (it was a Sunday evening in the South) and then we were on our way, several hours late. I would like to say it was a learning experience for the person who was driving, but that was not the case.
this is the alphabet
What helps you fall asleep?  the alphabet. If I can't shut my brain off (a common problem), I'll try to channel it into something "useful but repetitive" such as listing a high school classmate whose names start with each letter of the alphabet, or popular songs, or foods I like. It is not foolproof but can reset over-thinking now and then.
What is one strength and one weakness of yours?  
    weakness: I am quick to take offense.  
    strength: I can also be quick to forgive (when it really matters).
Have you ever received a letter or written one to someone else?  I received one on Saturday and wrote and delivered one on Sunday. (Are there really people who have never written a letter?)
What makes you feel powerful, what breathes life into you?  walking further or faster than I have before; making a savvy financial decision that pays off; making someone I love laugh, say "I'm proud of you," or something similar
What's your favorite thing to do at night?  work out, read, write, watch a movie
Your favorite things to wear at home?  t-shirt or tank top with cargo shorts or PJ pants. 
cartoonish cargoes
    I'm looking for a pair of heavy cotton cargo pants designed for the female body, like the ones I had a dozen years ago from Eddie Bauer. They were incredibly comfortable and I wore them to death. I can find many varieties of ripstop cargoes, but I am not fond of that fabric. I also don't want to look like a cartoon of an Israeli soldier. It is a quest!
Tell about something positive you have done for yourself or someone recently.  I bought a new mattress, because I wanted it and it was on sale and I hadn't had a new one in far too long. The previous one was far more expensive but (as it turns out) not nearly as well suited to me. It may have been fiscally imprudent at this juncture, but it was physically and emotionally just what I needed.
One thing you like about your appearance?  my eyes are startlingly pretty sometimes
Something that makes you feel better after a hard day?  walking (at an incline) for an hour while watching a good, distracting movie, and then stretching and relaxing for another half hour while seeing the end of the film. Talking a quick shower, then eating dinner and relaxing the rest of the night.
If you have one, name a favorite book & movie.  I try to answer these with something new each time, as far as I am able. Right now, what comes to mind are the movie Without a Paddle and the book Open Season by Linda Howard, which is a "reliable suspense" novel that I have read probably half a dozen times and probably will again soon. It's about a sexy librarian....

[from here; the title quotation is from "Blood on the Ground"]

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