
we all want to believe in impossible things, I suppose, to persuade ourselves that miracles can happen

1. Are you loud, outgoing or shy?  
    I am shy, but - around the right person - I can be talkative, too
2. What’s coming up where you’ll see an old friend? 
    my grade school best friend is going through cancer treatments. When she's completed them, we're going to go on an adventure.
3. Are you easy to get along with? 
    I'm not a natural people-pleaser, but I do try (especially with certain people)
4. Have you ever given up on someone, but then gone back to them? 
    well yeah, that's part of life. Some of my best friendships have had major setbacks, from which both of us have learned. I am rebuilding something now with a person with whom I had harsh words a few years ago—we were both wrong. No one is ever too old or too smart to stop growing.
5. Who was the last person that you had a deep conversation with? 
6. Are you okay with being in a big crowd? 
    not really, even without COVID
7. Do you believe in luck and/or miracles? 
    yes. There are too many otherwise inexplicable good things in life.
8. What good thing happened during the summer?
    I fell in love again. Or maybe I was reminded of why I'd felt that way, down into my bones.
9. Do you think there is life on other planets? 
10. Who was your first crush on? 
    a boy called Roger, who went to a different grade school
11. What are your bad habits? 
    overspending, impertinence, and gambling
12. What’s your favorite part of your daily routine? 
13. Other than your significant other, who are you most comfortable with? 
    his pet
14. Has an ex ever told you that they regret breaking up? 
16. What would be the hardest to give up and why? Books. TV. Music. 
    books. I can make music for myself. I can make movies in my head, and I do—by reading. But there is no other way that I can get what I get from books. The pleasure and the depth and the meaning beyond the meaning.
17. Do you believe in second chances? 
    of course. It is not always the right thing, but they can save us.
18. What would like to do next in your life? 
    find the right job
19. What’s the meanest thing that anyone has ever said to you? 
    that I don't have what it takes to be a good writer
20. What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you? 
    that I am troubling
[from here; the title quotation is by Paul Auster, from The Book of Illusions]

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