
if plan A doesn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters - 204 if you're in Japan

Annoyance:  appliances that make noise when they don't need to (like the vent on the refrigerator rattling, or the turntable in the microwave clicking as it goes around)
Best smell:  a clean t-shirt (and the dude inside of it)
Car:  2016 Mazda CX-5 Touring, in "titanium flash"
Mr Flash
Day or night:  night!
Easiest person to talk to?:  D
Favorite month:  August
Gummy bears or worms:  bears, but almost never
Hair color:  set to be changing this coming Monday ... God I hope so anyway because it's been almost 3 months since the last time!
Ice cream:  complicated flavors, like chocolate with caramel swirl and chunks of chocolate
Jewelry:  silver hoop earrings and a silver toe ring
Karma:  I believe in it to some extent, like if you act like a c--- you get that back a hundredfold. It sometimes helps keep me from being a complete wretch.
Longest Car Ride:  around 12 hours, from here to A2 on holidays
Mall:  G-burb Commons (it's not a mall, but "an upscale lifestyle center") was always a favorite
Number of Siblings:  dos
One regret:  I wish I still had the fair isle sweater
Part of your appearance you like least?:  my sore jaw
Q-tips?:  for nail polish removal
Reality TV Show:  sports
Shoe:  today, I wore my Asics
"they have to be colorful", he said
Time you woke up:  7:AM (boooooooo)
Unpredictable?:  I do try!
Vegetable you hate:  cooked carrots
Worst Habits:  overspending
X-Rays:  I am fairly certain that every part of my body has been X-rayed at least once, with my head (not counting teeth) and my feet/ankles being the big winners. Or losers, depending how you look at it. I'm probably radioactive.
Yoga?:  I prefer Pilates
Zoom?:  twice in the last week
[from here and modified to suit me; the title quotation is by Claire Cook, from Seven Year Switch]

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