
is it really possible to tell someone else what one feels?

from 100 Self-Reflection Questions
3. Are there any toxic relationships in your life that you need to remove?
    yes, there is someone who always, always brings me down, with whom I am forced to interact far too regularly. I need to be rid of that.
4. Are you as confident as you would like?
    no, I am not as confident as I would like. I've joked before that my genetics and upbringing is at fault, which is true to a point; my people are not known for their boldness. However, confidence has grown as depression and anxiety have been controlled, too, so clearly some part of it was internal.
5. Are you your own best friend or your own worst enemy? 
    some of each, but more of the former. In the last week I shut down a relationship that was not working for me (or, to be fair, for the other person), cleaned my house from stem to stern, and gained access to a (temporary) emotional support animal. That's pretty good progress.
7. Do you love yourself? 
    wouldn't phrase it that way, but...sure
8. How can you bring more self-care into your day?  
expensive but nice
    I've started using some more pleasingly scented bath products, creamier lotions, and so forth - and more often. Feeling indulged.
9. How can you free up your calendar when it seems too full?
    exercise my time-off benefit from work. Say No when needed. Put myself first. 
10. How can you improve your health and wellbeing this month? 
    I'm eating fewer snacks and trying to drink more water
12. How can you nurture your relationships more?
    focus on the ones that matter, and cut out the ones that do not 
13. How can you show more gratitude? 
    by taking good care of myself
14. How can you step out of your comfort zone more?     
    take the opportunities as they arise. Seek the chance to prove myself in new ways.
15. How can you take better care of yourself?
    the cop was the M&M enabler, and we are no longer spending time. That will aid in cutting out the bad-snacks routine.

16. How do you feel about this last week? 
    the last week is a blur of planning, cleaning, and adjusting. I am pet-sitting for the next month. The lil character was delivered to me on Sunday and will be here through mid-March. They haven't quite settled in yet, but we're doing all right so far.
17. How do you feel when you first wake up? 
    since I got my new mattress, I wake feeling rested and ready to start the day
19. How have you stepped out of your comfort zone lately? 
    besides bringing an animal into my house? 
    I dyed my hair purple.
20. How much time this week/month have you spent on caring for yourself?
    see #5, above
21. How would you like to spend your spare time? 
22. If you continue doing what you’re doing right now, where will you be in five years’ time? 
    I will find a new job, because this persistence will pay off, and I will be much happier and more gratified by my career. That will ripple outward through the rest of my life.
23. If you could only use five words, how would you describe yourself? 
    clever, pale, introspective, affectionate, and opinionated
[from here; the title quotation is by Leo Tolstoy, from Anna Karenina]

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